Part 75 - Leave

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*Erin looks at both of you, but notices quickly how scared you actually are*

*She moves quickly towards you and stands in front of you, while she looks at Liam*

Erin: I would really appreciate it if you would leave this room young man

*Liam doesn't agree with her and walks to you and Erin, while pointing his finger at you*

Liam: No, I have to talk to her first

Erin: That's too bad, she already has to talk to someone else right now. She's expected somewhere else

*Erin stays remarkable calm*

Liam: That can wait, she-

Erin: No, it can't wait. There is a whole group of people waiting for her attendance right now. She has to be there

*You feel so thankful for Erin at this moment*

Erin: So I'll ask you one more time, before I'll call the security of the team. Would you please leave the room?

*He squeezes his eyes and looks at you*

*He sniffs his nose*

Liam: Fine! We'll talk later Y/n!

*And he walks out of the room*

*When he has left the room, Erin runs towards the door and closes it. Then she walks back up to you*

*You let yourself fall down on op of the bed and stare in front of you*

Y/n whispers: Thank you so much Erin... I don't know what he would've done if you didn't appear...

*She sits down next to you and wraps her arm around you while pulling you close*

Erin: It's okay Y/n. I heard the whole conversation between you two

Y/n: You did...?

Erin: Yes I did. You're a really strong young woman Y/n. Telling him the truth like that, even after everything he put you through

Y/n: I don't feel like a strong person at all...

Erin: You should. You're really strong. Where did you find the strength to tell him all of that?

*You smile lightly, while looking in front of you*

Y/n: Max. I really don't want to put him through it all again. He told me so many times to stand up for myself. This time I just had to listen to him...

Erin: And you did it Y/n. He will be so proud of you. I know he will

Y/n: Thank you Erin...

*You look at your hands, which are on your lap*

*Liam is gone for this bit, but what about the upcoming time?*

*When will he be back to scream at you again?*

Y/n: Why are you actually here Erin? We didn't had anything scheduled, right?

Erin: No we did not, but Ziggo wanted a last minute interview with you. So I came here to pick you up. But apparently I arrived at the right time... Max told me about yesterday evening as well. Was this Liam...?

*You nod*

Y/n: Yes, that was Liam

Erin: Are you okay sweetie? He didn't hurt you, right?

Y/n: No, I'm fine... Can we go back to the track please? I really want to get out of this place

Erin: Of course we can! If that's what you really want

Y/n: Yes, I would like to leave this mess behind in here. I don't want to think about it any longer

Erin: Well, let's go then. I think the team will be happy to see you again

*You both get up and move to the door*

*When you're at the door, you take one more look behind you*

*You see all the clored M&Ms throughout the room and realize what kind of mess it is*

*Not only the room itself, but also your own mind*

*Why does it never get any easier in your life?*

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