Part 13 - The conversation

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*You doubt about telling him. What if he tells Charles? And Charles to Max? Your brother would kill you if he didn't hear it from you directly*

Y/n: Max and I kind of grew apart while I studied abroad and while he was racing

Y/n: It's not like we never spoke to each other, but we certainly didn't call each other every day to talk

Y/n: Not like we did before I left.

Pierre: I'm sorry to hear about that

Pierre: So I guess he has never told you about this soulmate stuff, huh?

Y/n: To be honest, I have no idea what you're talking about. My parents definitely didn't

Pierre: I have no idea if Max is going to appreciate it if I told you first, but okay. I'm going to risk it.

*Another flash of pain strikes through your belly, but you stick to your poker face, just to not freak Pierre out*

Y/n: Tell me what?

Pierre: Well, you see, it's already quite common that you see a flash when you meet your soulmate, right?

Y/n: Yes, that's the only thing my mom kept telling me when I was younger

Pierre: But the inner connection goes way deeper then that

Pierre: After you met your soulmate, every time he or she feels pain in his or her soul, you'll experience it as well.

Y/n: As in, you feel it in your soul too?

Pierre: No, it's a more a superficial spot. For example, my engineer always feels the pain of his wife in his knee. But my media press guy feels it in his finger. It's kind of random and weird

Y/n: I see

*And then it hits you*

*This weird pain you have been feeling is from George...*

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