Part 15 - Grown up woman

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-Back at the Red Bull garage after FP3-

Max: Hey sis! Where have you been?

Y/n: I just took a walk through the paddock

Max: Ah okay. Do you want to grab some lunch with me and Sergio?

Y/n: I was actually planning to do some sightseeing

Max: You're definitely not going alone. Then I'll cancel my lunch and go with you

Y/n: Jeez Max, I'm not a kid anymore! I can take care of myself

Max: I'm coming with you. I'm not letting you walk around here all by yourself

Y/n: No, you're not coming with me. I'm going by myself. I want to be alone, don't you understand?

Max: That's not the point. I don't feel comfortable knowing you're wandering around all alone 

Max: What if something happens?

Y/n: It's not 1950 anymore. I can give you a call and otherwise there will be plenty of people around me willing to help me

Y/n: Just let me go Max. You're not dad and I'm not nine years old anymore! I'm a grown up woman now, who can take care of herself!

George: Everything alright here?

*George is standing in the door opening, because he's not allowed inside*

Y/n: If Max would let me go sightseeing on my own, yes

Max: I just don't want something to happen to you Y/n

Max: Besides, once people find out you're my sister, they'll act different towards you.

George: I could go with you?

*You look at George*

*Did he really suggest that in front of Max?

Max: You're my hero George. Thanks mate! Keep her safe will you?

George: Of course I will!

*Max walks away towards Sergio and they leave together*

Y/n: Are you serious?

George: You wanted to talk to me anyway, so why not combine it with sightseeing?

Y/n whispers: You know that was just a lie to go to see you, right?

George whispers back: Of course I knew, but it isn't a bad idea, right?

*You laugh*

Y/n: Okay then, let's go 

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