Part 69 - The Good Moment

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*While eating some ice cream and talking about your studies, you two sit down on the couch*

*Time passes by quickly and you end up lying silently against George*

*You stare in front of you. Repeating again and again everything that happened last night* 

*You notice that George is still careful with touching you. He doesn't want to make any unexpected movements*

George: What are you thinking of?

Y/n: You

George smiles: And what did I do to deserve that place of honor in your mind?

Y/n: You just being you

*He keeps silent*

Y/n: George...?

George: Hmm..?

*You get up a bit so you can look him into his eyes*

Y/n: Why are you here exactly?

George: To make sure you're feeling fine after yesterday, of course

Y/n: So you're saying you're missing your last meeting with your team to be just here with me?

George: Correctly

*You notice something else in his eyes. Something that hasn't been there before*

Y/n: Tell me the truth George. I can tell there's something else...

*George sighs and stares at the floor*

George: I don't know if this is a good moment for it...

Y/n: A good moment for what?

George: To follow the advice of Pierre

Y/n: Pierre? You lost me George. What does Pierre have to do with this?

*He moves uncomfortably on the couch*

George: Are you sure you want to know?

Y/n: Yes. Definitely. You're worrying me right now

*You sit up so you can look at him properly*

George: Pierre... We talked with each other after you and Max left yesterday

George: He told me how hurt you've been these last couple of days...

*You look at your hands*

Y/n: He's kind of right... It hasn't been easy for me since I arrived here...

George: I know... Pierre made me realize I was also a reason why you were hurt. Me leaving without telling you where I went, my history which I couldn't share and the awful soulmate pain

Y/n: Pierre told you all of that?

George: He did. He's a good friend, who is able to be harsh when he has to be

*George grabs your hand*

Y/n: What's going on George? I can feel the pain in my belly again

George: I want you to know why you feel it, before you go back to Holland. You deserve to know the truth

George: Are you sure you want to hear it now? It's okay if you don't want to... Then I'll tell you another time

*You shake your head. Last night was intense, but you feel the desire to know what's going on inside his head*

*You've been waiting all this time for this moment. Maybe the timing isn't that great, but he's ready to share it. You can't turn him down now. You have to listen*

Y/n: I'm ready whenever you're ready 

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