Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

He stared into my eyes, waiting for a response. My mind began to spin. Why was he asking me that? Is he going to rape me? If I said I was a virgin maybe he wouldn't do anything to me? Or he could be one of those pervs who want to fuck a virgin just because she is one and that turns them on?

I decided to answer him truthfully. "No I'm not."

"Have you ever fucked a Werewolf?"

I stared at him in confusion as I wondered how we got onto this topic. Why were we talking about this?


"Do you want to?"


Before the Alpha could ask me more random and inappropriate questions, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" The Alpha didn't look away from me when he questioned who was at the door.

"It's Kieran. I have the human boy with me."

The Alpha removed his hand from my face but not before pulling me closer to him. "Time to find out the truth."

Once he released me I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath.

"Come in."

The door slowly opened as I waited in anticipation. This was it. I would finally find out who the creep was. It was a strange feeling, I felt sort of relieved which was unusual emotion to feel in this situation. I should have been feeling scared or anxious but I think after worrying about this person for so long I felt calm knowing I would finally be able to put an end to it.

The creep stepped in and my mouth dropped open.

"Miles?" I gasped out as I watched him enter the room. He didn't respond to his name and kept his head down instead.

That's who was sending me all those messages and calling me? Miles?

For some reason when I thought of who it could be behind this I never thought of Miles. I should have since that creep has been trying to get with me for a while now but I assumed it would be someone else. Someone who wasn't as wimpy as him. He was annoying and persistent however I didn't see him as a threat.

The creep being Miles did make sense, he was a weirdo and was always around. He must have been watching me for a long time and was doing just that when Cami and I buried the body.

"You know who he is?" Alpha Alessandro's voice interrupted my thoughts and I turned away from Miles to look at him.

"Yeah, he's from my Uni."

"Alpha." Miles said after he stopped in front of us. Beta Kieran also entered the room and stood a few metres away from him.

He bowed his head slightly and I scoffed causing the Alpha to glance over at me. He raised his eyebrows in question and I couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked when he did that.

What is wrong with you Nala? You're probably going to die now and that's what you're thinking about?

The Alpha suddenly smirked as if he knew what I was thinking and I looked away from him.

"Do you know where my cousin is?"

Miles glanced up at me quickly before looking away. "Yes and so does Nala."


"I don't know what he's talking about." I quickly announced to everyone in the room before Miles could say anything else.

"Is he alive?"

I stared at Miles knowing what he was going to say but praying for him not to say it. "No, he's dead."

Perspiration started to gather on my forehead as I watched both the Alpha and Beta exchange looks.

This was it. Miles was going to tell them everyone and I was done for.

The room remained silent and I subtly looked at Alpha Alessandro to gauge his reaction. He didn't seem surprised or shocked by the revelation, instead his face was expressionless.

"How long has he been dead for?" This time it was the Beta Kieran asking the question.

Miles looked back at him. "Weeks. I think he's been dead since the day he went missing."

"How do you know he's dead?"

Miles looked at me again and I shook my head, pleading with my eyes for him not to say anything.

"I saw Nala and her sister bury him in Saddleworth Moors."


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter 

Did anyone guess correctly on who the person behind the messages was? 

Please let me know what you think of the story so far, I would really appreciate any feedback

To read ahead and up to chapter 47, please go to

Thank you to everyone who reads, comments and votes! Your support is what keeps me writing :)

-Kayy xx

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