Tabius ignored him and sped ahead of us. Don't leave me behind with this perverted bastard, you useless mound of meat and bones! I increased my pace to catch up, but guess what? SOMEONE's hand grabbed my wrist.

"It's been a while, Randall. How have you been?" The bastard smiled.

"Quit the act." I snapped, jerking my wrist out of his grip. "Why the hell are you here? Shouldn't you be in your shiny little castle?"

"Why would I when I have a shiny little toy right here?" He smirked. He won't be smiling after I shove a pole up his ass and cook him like a rotisserie chicken. Sadly, that isn't possible right now. Need to wait until I can move to a different country and get a new identity.

"I'm sure Christopher would be more than happy to hook you up with someone," I grumbled and stomped away. Screw this, I can eat lunch. There's no way in hell I'm eating with that bastard!


Elliot isn't here today. He had to go on a business trip with his father. Prayers cannot save him. Let's hope he's tougher than he looks. Wouldn't want to be him.

"Randall! I need to talk to you!" Ezekiel hissed in my ear.

"UWAH! Where the fuck did you come from?!" I clutched my shirt in surprise. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Yeah, whatever. Come with me." Ezekiel yanked at my arm.

"Hey, I have two functional arms and I'd prefer it to stay that way." Ezekiel didn't acknowledge me and abruptly stopped. I almost slammed into him. "Why'd you stop?"

"Sh! Look, doesn't that seem... off to you?" Ezekiel motioned me to peek around the corner. There was a pretty brunette surrounded by guys. She had soft-looking curls, flawless pale skin, wide green eyes, and was what society would call "voluptuous".

"Uh, it's just guys fawning over a girl. Nothing special there."

"Look closely at the girl. Doesn't she look almost exactly like Hunter?" Huh, there is a resemblance between the two.

"What are you saying? Is Hunter a crossdresser or something?"

"No, that's not it. Her name is Hailey and she was recently adopted by Marquess Poland. The weird thing is, ever since she came all of the guys seem... obsessed with her. Christopher included."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I've noticed Tabius is drawn to her too, but there's no way in hell I'm going to tell him anything." Ezekiel frowned, "it's unsettling. I also feel attracted to her, but I have enough sense to see something's off."

"Looks like a case of green tea bitch syndrome to me," I shrugged.


"Green tea bitch. Also known as a white lotus. Basically, someone- usually a girl- who acts and pretends to be pure and innocent, but is extremely manipulative and narcissistic. If you have as much sense as you say, then you'll stay away from her. Nothing good will come from interacting with a green tea bitch. Unless you're into being manipulated and tricked into doing things for people like her."

"Noted. But how the hell did she manage to do all... this in a few days?"

"Never underestimate a woman. If determined, they almost always get what they want. Girls like her will also do anything and everything because they don't care about the consequences." Great, I guess some higher being decided to add the classic green tea bitch trope to my life. I'd like to say it couldn't get any worse than this, but it can. And with how things come one after another, it will get worse.

An Angel in Devil's Clothing (REINCARNATION/ OTOME BL)Where stories live. Discover now