Jaguar vs Shinsengumi

Start from the beginning

"...And then, Jaguar Strike!" The feline called her spear to her hand raising it above her head gathering tremendous energy.

"Apsychos." I summoned countless chains wrapping them around Jaguar's exposed body swinging her around then slinging her to the ground making the ground tremble as she lay in a wide crater.

I teleported below Okita who was flailing in the air, catching her in my outstretched arms bridal style as I lowered her to the earth.

"Thanks," She hopped from my arms looking ahead at our enemy who emerged from the hole dusting herself off as she wiped at the single scratch on her cheek.

"Ohh, you're good! ...This hunt is turning out to be fun!"

Jaguar pounced on us with no hesitation adapting her fighting style she began swinging her club in time with her erratic animalistic movements.

"Saber." I nodded my head signaling for her to jump as I vibrated the earth causing tremors and shocks to run through the ground. Dust kicked up and cracks began to form in the dirt before splitting open into wide chasms.

Jaguar's movements slowed but still, she kept moving on all fours as she hopped over every obstacle appearing through the fog. She eyed me smiling before dancing on her feet, swinging her mace in wild attacks as she flipped around on two legs.

I blocked every strike with my chains and legs meeting her fighting style I started moving on my hands as I bombarded her with kicks backing away seconds later. Okita followed up coming down with an overhead strike as she broke through the wind.

Jaguar dodged the attack, somehow curling into a ball a breadth early she hopped over Okita landing behind her in one precise move.

"King Cat Charge!" I moved in front of Okita as a large jaguar head manifested from her mace roaring tremendously tackling me with divine energy. I could feel Okita being pushed away as her feet slipped from behind mine, her hand grabbing the corner of my shirt as she fought to stay close.

I concentrated magic into my right eye using my void world to warp the space into absolute zero making the spell nonexistent. At the same moment, Jaguar follows her attack hitting me with a punch that flattens the surrounding landscape; trees, rocks, and the ground itself.

I'm pushed back into Okita who goes tumbling across the soil while I'm sent flying into town crashing through the south gate. Sounds of screaming and people running reached my sensitive ears while my nose became filled with various scents.

"That's peculiar. Physical attacks should have no effect against you," I jumped up from the dirt painlessly, Typhoon accessing the situation as they addressed me calmly.

"They don't, the attacks themselves are automatically canceled out, but the force behind remains, that punch specifically had a lot of force behind it."

"Guess it can't be helped... above."

"Don't try assisting me now," I recanted nonchalantly, with a flick of my wrist I create a five-layered barrier as Jaguar appears in the air club ready crackling with energy.

"Jaguar Javelin!"

She throws her pawed weapon turning it into a destructive halberd, the tip concentrated with divine energy. It meets the first layer crashing against it's surface, before being absorbed and swallowed. The noticeable look on Jaguar changes to one of surprise as my barrier molds into identical look a likes crackling with the same energy, all fifty fakes aimed her direction, with the original she owned somewhere within the mix.

"Gates of Heaven" I fire every club simultaneously each one responding to her magic energy as she nimbly moves through the air avoiding the magic-seeking weapons miraculously until she's hit by her weapon, the others chaining together for a devastating attack bringing her down into one of the village houses becoming buried under mounds of rubble.

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