Chapter 47🥳

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Solana aka lana
3:17 am

i woke up with sharp pains in my stomach

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i woke up with sharp pains in my stomach.

"nigga i think you fuckin knocked me into labor" i said looking over at kamarion who was timing my contractions

"all you do is complain that youn wanna be pregnant no more, you welcome" he said laughing

i called my midwife, and she told me to wait until my contractions are under 3 minutes apart to go in.

right now they're coming every 4 minutes.

"ugghhhhh oh my fuckin gosh this shit is horrible" i said

there wasn't nothing much i could do so i just turned on Martin and waited for them to be closer.

45 minutes passed by and they were getting closer.

"okay we needa get our stuff and go" i said getting out the bed.

we already had the baby's stuff in the car, all we had to do was grab our bags and go.

i threw on a sweatshirt and as i was putting on my sweatpants liquid starting running down my leg.

"oh shit, BAEEEE!" i yelled

"what's wrong?" he came running in the closet

"my fucking water broke" i said laughing

"well come on girl hurry up let's go" he said taking a towel drying off my legs

i picked some different sweatpants, and slid on my crocs

I texted the group chat and told them we were on our way to the hospital.

knowing they asses was sleep and we would not get a response right away.

it took us 10 minutes to get there cause Kamarion was speeding.

*at the hospital*

we walked in and told the front desk lady i was in labor

she grabbed a wheel chair and took me to the labor and delivery floor

since my water had already broke, they admitted me and took me to my room.

i got settled and they did the normal stuff like gave me a hospital gown, put in my iv, and set up the monitor for the baby.

not too soon after the doctor and nurse came in.

"Hi im Doctor Samuels, ill be delivering your baby." he said greeting us

"and i'm your Nurse for the night my name is Ciaira, if you need anything just press that button and ill be sure to help you in any way i can" she said

"Okay im just gonna check if you've dilated" he said going to check

i looked over at Kamarion, that nigga looked 38 hot

i just laughed in my head

"Wow your labor is going pretty fast, you're already 4 cm dilated" he said

"when can i get an epidural" i asked

"we usually wait until 5 cm, ill come back in another 30 minutes, you should be able to get it then" he said and i nodded

they left and now we were just playing the waiting game.

I was watching youtube on my phone when Mani and Ky called me on group facetime

"them contractions kicking yo ass i can see it in your face" kiyah said

"girl fuck you" i said laughing

"you still making us wait till you come home to meet the baby" Mani asked

"yes cause i don't want everybody in this lil ass room so y'all just gon have to wait" i said

"well keep us updated im finna go back to sleep cause Aniyla finna wake up in the next hour" Ky said

"okay i will" i said

we said our i love you's and hung up.

30 minutes had passed and i was able to get the epidural

it hurt like hell but it was worth it

me and kamarion were able to get a good nap in before it started wearing off.

5:25 am

the doctor said that i was 9 cm dilated and it was gonna be time to push soon.

the epidural was wearing off and my contractions were starting again.

"it's almost time bae you ready?" kamarion asked me

"ready as fuck i can't wait to hold him" i said

the doctor came in and told me it was time to push.

Kamarion was on one side of me holding my hand and the nurse was on the other side.

"Okay solana, you're gonna push for 10 seconds then rest for 3" the doctor said


"Alright let's go, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" he counted

felt like i was tryna shit

i pushed 3 times before i could feel his head

Kamarion peeked down there and looked

"That's why you had all that heartburn, all that hair" he said

I pushed 2 more times before cries filled the room and the nurse layed my baby on my chest.

"5:51 am" the nurse called out

" Hey son" i said with tears running down my face

"Happy Birthday son" Kamarion said

"Dad you want to cut the cord?" the doctor asked

"Hell yeah" he said with a smile on his face and cut it.

they took the baby to weigh him and make sure he was okay.

"You've got a healthy baby over here" the nurse called out to me

"you did it bae" kamarion said and kissed me

they handed me my baby back wrapped up in a blanket. 

"I love you so much" i said to him.

Excuse any mistakes
He's finally hereeee🥳
y'all will meet him next chapter😂
love y'all💕

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