𝘧𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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"Gosh, why is it so hot?" You muttered before you slowly opened your eyes.

You tried to move, but you couldn't. Something or more like someone was weighing you down. You lifted your head to try and see who it was.

"Taehyung?" you whispered before you tried to move his body off yours. "No~" he whined as he tried to move back into position.

"Don't make me shove you with my knee. If my calculations are correct, your dick is somewhere around here," you said as you tried to move your leg.

Taehyung's eyes shot open, and he quickly sat up before placing his hands over his crotch. "It's too early for violence, y/n, jeez."

"Goodmorning, Tae. When did you decide to join Hoseok and me, hm?" You asked, sitting up. You let out a soft whine as you stretched your arms.

"He decided to join us just after you fell asleep. He's been here since last night," Hoseok grumbled. "Goodmorning, you two."

"Morning, baby," Taehyung said before leaning in to give Hoseok a peck on his cheek. "Just a peck?"

"Morning breath-" But before he could finish his sentence, Taehyung was pulled down. Hoseok wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist before pulling him in for a kiss.

You giggled as Taehyung tried to pull away but miserably failed.

"I'm hungry," you muttered as you tried to make your way out of bed. But before you could even get the blankets off of you, Hoseok had gripped your wrist.

"Where are you going?" He asked, pulling away from Taehyung, who was dramatically gasping for air.

"To get food?" You told him.

"Yeah, not until I get my kiss from you, sweetheart," he said before pulling you down towards him. It took less than five seconds to find yourself in Taehyung's earlier position.


"Goodmorning, Lia," Yoongi said as he watched the girl walk into the kitchen. "Goodmorning, Yoon."

Lia made her way around the counter and stood next to Yoongi. "Oooh, what're you making?" She asked as she examined the plates next to the stove.

"Kimchi toast, Jin made some Scallion Pancakes too," he told her, pointing at the closed lunchbox. "Ooo, I missed having Korean food. I can't wait for breakfast."

"Goodmorning, Yoongs," you greeted as you walked into the kitchen with Jimin behind you. "Morning, princess. Did you sleep well?" He asked, and you hummed in response.

"Look who finally decided to step behind the stove," Jimin cackled while Yoongi sent him a glare. "I didn't really cook. What I made doesn't really need a stove."

"Oh, Yoongi's cooking? I didn't even notice," you said before making your way towards him. "That's because I'm not actually cooking."

"Oh, Kimchi toast?' You asked, examining one of the plates, and he hummed in response. "Here, taste," he said, bringing the toast up to your mouth.

You took a bite and moaned in delight. "Didn't expect this to be the way I hear you moan for the first time, baby," Jimin said, causing you to choke.

"Jimin! It's too early for that nonsense," Lia said before rushing to get you a glass of water. "Here," she said. You managed to thank her before gulping down the water.

Yoongi gently pat your back. "You good?" He asked, and you nodded.

"Sorry, I didn't think it'd cause you to choke. Wait... that doesn't sound-" "Jimin," your boyfriend warned and Jimin muttered a soft story.

"When did Mr Park become so..., I don't know, like this?" Lia asked.

"A pretty girl came into his life, and he suddenly doesn't know how to act," Jin suddenly said, surprising the three of you. "Goodmorning, guys."

"Anyway, Jimin's horny almost 24/7. None of us can really help because he wants a girl, and uh, not some dick. Unfortunately for him, y/n isn't exactly ready for that, so he's stuck with having ass," Jin's words caused Jimin to blush.

"Ah," was all Lia said.

"Lia doesn't need to know that kind of information, Jin," Yoongi told him, and you silently agreed. This girl had no reason to know that you're a virgin, but she now knows anyway.

Jin just shrugged before turning to you. "y/n do you think you could call the others for breakfast?" he asked before placing a peck on the side of your head.



"Uh, I don't know why we didn't think of the possibility of guests when we bought the table and chairs," Namjoon said.

"Why did you guys get an eight-seater?" Lia asked.

"When we moved in here, we only thought of our missing soulmate, which was y/n. We didn't really think of us having guests that would stay the night or stuff like that," Jin explained.

"Then how come you guys have a guest room?"

"With y/n being the only woman in our relationship, we figured she'd want her own room. Because she doesn't live with us yet, it's just called a guest room," Jungkook told her.

"It's okay, you guys can sit here. I'll just eat by the counter," you said, reaching for a plate.

Everyone had taken their seats to expect you because Lia had taken the seat you usually sit in.

Jin scoffed and slapped your hand away. "Not on my watch. You're sitting here with us, girlie."

"Why don't you bring a barstool?" Lia suggested, but Hoseok shook his head. "They're too high."

"y/n, baby, come here," Namjoon said. You walked over to him with a confused expression on your face. "Here," your boyfriend suddenly pulled you into his lap and wrapped an arm around your waist.

"Uh, Lia, could you please pass me that plate," he said, and she nodded before handing the plate to Namjoon.

"There, problem solved."

Breakfast went by smoothly. Lia and the boys caught up, and you got to know more about her as you listened to their conversation.

You found out that she went abroad as an exchange student studying fashion.

"Awe, come on, I want to help with something!" You whined. Jungkook shook his head.

Because today was a public holiday, and none of you went to school, the boys decided to do some spring cleaning.

"Don't worry, y/n. We've got this," Jimin told you as he put the plates into the dishwasher.

"Why won't you guys let me do anything?" You huffed, and Yoongi chuckled.

"Don't bother y/n. These boys won't let you do anything. They're like that. They don't want you to lift a finger when they're around," Lia said, shaking her head.

Yoongi put down the cloth and walked towards you. "Next time we spring clean, I'll let you do something," he told you before pulling you in for a kiss.

"Ew, stop the PDA," Lia said next to you, causing Yoongi to pull away and glare at her.

"What PDA? This is our home, Lee. Did you really not think about the things you might see and hear during your stay here before you decided to come over?" He asked her.

"Geez, it was just a joke. No need to take it that seriously Yoongi," she said, putting her hands up in defence. Your boyfriend turned back to you with a smile on his face before pulling you in for a kiss.

"When did he become like this?" Lia asked Taehyung who shrugged. "He's always been like that. Now that y/n's in our relationship you could say he's become five times more affectionate but five times more brutal too. He's just confusing like that."

Lia tried not to scowl as she looked at the two of you. 

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