𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦

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"I hope the boys won't be too upset that I invited you over without telling them." You turned to look at Hoseok with a frown. "You didn't tell them I was coming? I thought you did."

"Uh, I sent them a text in the group chat, but it seems like no one saw it since no one said anything. But that doesn't matter, I'm sure they won't mind. You're our soulmate after all!"

You only shook your head as you Hoseok placed the key into the lock, unlocking the door. "After you," you giggled before thanking him and walking in.

"What shoe size do you wear?" He asked, closing the door behind him. "Uh, I wear a 230mm shoe size" (this according to KR shoe sizes, i think?) "Oh uh, all of our slippers will be too big on you. But we have these ones." He said, opening a top cabinet and pulling out a pair of new white slippers. "These are a size seven, which should be about 240 mm."

He handed you the slippers with a smile on his face. You whispered a soft thank before taking off your shoes and replacing them with fluffy white slippers. "Welcome to our cosy apartment," he said, gently pulling you towards the living room.

"I think everyone is in their rooms? Jin isn't working tonight, so everyone should be home tonight." Hoseok mumbled. "I'm home!" He called, and doors could be heard opening. "And I brought y/n with me?" More doors could be heard, and the sound of fast footsteps filled the corridor.

"y/n?" Jungkook was the first to appear. "y/n!" He happily exclaimed before engulfing you in a welcoming hug. "I missed you," he mumbled into the crook of your neck, causing you to giggle. "I saw you a few hours ago, Jungkook."

"That's the point! I'm not supposed to be seeing every few hours."

"Hey, baby." Taehyung greeted Hoseok, placing a soft kiss on his lips. "Did you guys not get my message?" He asked once they pulled apart. "Message? What message? My phone died, so I was working on my laptop."

"About y/n coming over." "I did," you turned to see Yoongi. "Then why didn't you say anything?" Hoseok whined, and Yoongi shrugged. "You know I barely responded to messages."

You frowned in confusion. Yoongi would always be quick to respond to your texts. In fact, you guys frequently chatted over text. "What do you mean you barely answer texts? You're always answering mine-"

"Really, Yoongi? You've known me the longest, and I think I've exchanged a total of twenty texts with you! Twenty! And this is over a period of fours years, my love." Namjoon whined, causing you to giggle.

"Well, at least we know who to send to Yoong's room when we want him to wake up," Jimin said.


"y/n is definitely Yoongi's favourite. He barely cuddles and look at you, all cuddled up in his arms." Jin commented with a giggle, looking at you two. The eight of you were spread around the couch, resting in each other's arms as you watched a movie while eating pizza.

"It's because she isn't annoying. She's quiet and hasn't made any unnecessarily loud noise since she got here." He mumbled, placing soft kisses on the back of your neck, causing you to giggle.

"This is so unfair. I've been trying to get Yoongi to cuddle and kiss me willingly, and I've failed so many times!" Jimin whined, and Taehyung hummed in agreement. "Yeah!"

"It's okay, baby. I'll give you a bunch of kisses!" Hoseok exclaimed, showering the two males beside him with kisses, alternating between the two of them.

"This is why Hobi hyung is my favourite!" Jimin exclaimed, giggling as the male continued to shower him with kisses.

"But I thought I was your favourite?" "Since when did we have favourites!?"

You silently laughed, witnessing your soulmates bicker over favouritism.

"y/n?" "hm?" you asked, taking a bite of your food. "Can I have a kiss?" Jungkook asked, bringing his face closer to yours. "I- hvwe fwood in my mowf tho," you said in between your chewing.

"Just a peck then?" He asked, but before you could respond, his lips were already on yours. "I still want a proper kiss later," He whispered before turning to Namjoon. "Hyung, can I get a kiss?" Namjoon smiled before placing a kiss on the younger male's lips.

Jin looked at his soulmates with a tender smile on his face, feeling happier than ever. He had been waiting for the day where all of his soulmates would be in each other's arms, enjoying each other's presence. And that day was finally here.

His eyes landed on you, giggling at something Jungkook said about the movie. He didn't know how anyone could be focused on the tv with you in the room because he certainly wasn't.

You turned to look at Jin, feeling his burning gaze on your skin. You flashed him a nervous smile, and he chuckled, causing you to giggle as well. 'Are you enjoying the movie?' He mouthed, and you nodded. 'And the pizza,' you said, pointing to the half-eaten slice in your hand. His smile grew as you took another bite, happily dancing in your seat.

Yoongi grunted in disapproval, causing you to stop and frown. 'Damn, let me feel happy about my food, geez.' You thought before looking at the tv and getting comfortable again.

Yoongi wrapped both his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his body. "You're my girlfriend now," he said, and you raised an eyebrow keeping your eyes on the large screen in front of you.

"Am I now?" You asked, and he hummed in response. "This is your way of officially asking me out?" He hummed again, and you snorted. "So I don't even get the chance to think about my answer? I'm automatically your girlfriend?" He nodded his head. "What's there to think about? It's not like you have the choice, do you?" You playfully rolled your eyes. "I guess not." The two of you eventually fell silent for some time, focusing on the movie.

You let out a happy sigh, completely relaxing in Yoongi's arms as you took the last bite of your slice.

Your eyes moved from the room to look at some of your soulmates. Jimin was laying his head on Hoseok's shoulder. Hoseok's fingers played with Taehyung's hair as he rested on the older male's lap. Jin was tapping Taehyung's legs that were spread on his lap.

Jungkook's fingers were laced with yours as his head rested on Namjoon's lap. Namjoon's fingers played with hair while he rested on Yoongi's.

A smile enjoyed how relaxed and comfortable everyone looked with each other. You expected things to be a little awkward because this was your first time spending time with all of them, but they weren't. Everything felt so natural. You were happy to be with them like this, and each of the boys felt the same way. All the time they spent searching and waiting for their final soulmate was worth it. You were finally with them, exactly where you belonged.

"Yoongi." "Yes, sweetheart?" "I like you guys," you whispered, causing a smile to grow on his face. "We like you a lot too."


a/n: first of all tysm for 20k+ reads and 1k votes !! and second of all, how old do you guys think i am? (im genuinely curious)

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