Ch. 2 - The Torture Continues

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So guys, this is the 2nd chapter, and things are starting to get a little dramatic! I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to leave me any feedback in the comments or through private message. Stay strong, I love you all!


P.S. Picture of Hazel on the side :)


"But.. but... this is ridiculous! What do you mean you can't put an announcement over the loudspeaker? I want to speak to the manager!" I huffed.

The girl just smirked. "Kid, you do realise this isn't a shop, there isn't a manager. Hurry along now, I don't want to deal with you anymore. I have better, more important things to do." She said, walking away and leaving me stranded by the desk without a clue of what do to next.


Did the lady at the information desk just... reject my plea for help? She was meant to help me solve my issues, not potentially make them worse. I can't believe the mall would let such horrible people work for them. Maybe I should have a word with- NO, NO! Why can't I focus? My mother is missing! I swear I have ADHD. In the middle of a freaking panic attack and all I can think about is rude people at mall information desks. What is wrong with me?!?

Hmm... maybe I should call my dad? I mean, mum kind of has a history of leaving me in shopping centres...


I was 5 years old, in the grocery store with my mum. It was a huge complex, full of small shops like a café, bookstore, nail salon, dollar store and of course, the grocery store itself. I was an adventurous little kid, and I was mad at my mum for something she had done which I clearly can't remember. Being the rebellious, carefree little kid I am, I sneakily waited for my mother to turn her back on me before darting out of the grocery store and into Crossroad Books (A/N - idk if it's real or not, it's the first thing that came into my mind). I searched around the store trying to look for a place to hide, immediately noticing a ladder propped up against the side of a stack of cubbies, adorned with books of all shapes and sizes. Without giving it a second thought, I climbed up the ladder. I emptied out one of the cubbies, sending loads of books down to the ground with a horrendous thud. Hearing footsteps approaching, I shot up the ladder and hid deep inside the cubby, waiting for my mother to realise I was gone and come get me.

I don't really know how long I stayed up there in that cubby, but I eventually got so bored I ended up falling asleep. As I was peacefully dreaming about narwhals and centours, a forceful shake of my shoulders awoke me from my own little world. A man who I did not recognise looked at me with a worried expression on his face.

"Hey, hey Lucas! Think I found her!" he yelled so incredibly loudly I nearly fell out of the cubby. Can you become deaf from something like that? Well anyway, I saw another man rush over and stare at me intently.

"Yeah, that's her. Well done Sarge."

Sarge? Where had I heard that before? Was I in trouble?

"W-who are y-you?" I stuttered, terrified.

"Your mother, she went home without you. I guess she forgot you were with her... what an irresponsible mother!" he told me, muttering the last part to himself.

Out of nowhere, I noticed my mother rushing up to the cubby which was getting more uncomfortable my the minute. I REALLY wanted to get out of here, but I couldn't reach the ladder. Luckily, mum climbed up the ladder and grabbed me down. She pulled me into a tight hug before thanking the officers and walking out of Crossroad Books.


I made a mental note to never trust my mum in public with my future children.

Finally, I decided to call my dad. He was the closest I was going to get to finding my mum for quite a while.

I browsed through my contact list on my phone until my finger landed on his number. I dialled and he picked up within a few rings.

"Hey dad!" I said, trying to keep my voice from getting shaky.

"Ohh hey, Squirt." He chirped, obviously in a happy mood. I was glad for him; his depression takes so much of his life away and I want him to be able to experience as much as he can while he's still young. Or middle aged... or something.

"Uhh, this may sound kinda like a weird question, dad... but is mum home?" I said, losing it, my voice cracking and probably resulting in me sounding like a frog choking on a fly. But I knew I couldn't reveal to dad just how serious this was, so I kept as calm as possible.

"Why Squirt, what happened? Tell me EVERYTHING." His tone quickly changed from chirpy to dead serious. I gulped and continued reluctanty.

"Well I may have accidentally lost mum but it wasnt my fault and I'm reallyscaredandIcan'tfindherand-" I said, gradually talking so fast I needed to stop to take a breath. There was a huge crashing sound on the other end of the call. I couldn't hear my dad anymore, just a faint beeping noise.

I jumped when I heard heavy breathing on the other end. Was he hurt? What should I do? I was starting to get a little scared so I became more careful with my words.

"Um... hello? Anyone there? Dad, are you okay?" I said slowly.

"Your dad....... he isn't here anymore. Mwahahahahaha!!!" A loud voice roared. I was actually terrified now, sweating profusely. The evil cackle at the end didn't help with calming my nerves. I was in full-on meltdown mode now.

"WHO ARE YOU? WHERE IS MY FATHER?!?" I screamed, earning myself a handful of puzzled looks from customers around me. A couple people even stopped what they were doing to crowd around and listen. Greaaaat. I had enough on my plate without having an audience watching me have a panic attack. Just the thought of them being there overwhelmed me so much I had to sit down.

"Your mother is gone. Your father is no longer concious. If you want your mother back, you have to-" but then I just heard static. The line went dead.

Holy freaking crap.


AHAHAAHA! CLIFFHANGER! Heheh hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it :P Vomment lovelies! I read EVERY SINGLE COMMENT and I appreciate your feedback so so soo much. Stay strong, I love you all <3


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