Ch. 1 - Acacia's Disappearance

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A/N This chapter is kind of a flashback, but not really. It's going back to the beginning of Hazel's four-year-long nightmare. I would really appreciate any feedback or tips. Enjoy! x

"Hazel, darling, would you like to go out today? You have been on your computer for so long. I thought we could spend some quality time together."

I looked up from my screen to see my mother standing in the doorway of my room. Was it worth going out today? I was expecting an update on my favourite story on Wattpad...

"Pleeeaasseee Hazel?" my mum begged with pleading eyes.

"Alright mum, I would love to!" I said, surrendering and doubtful, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible.

However any doubts I had about going out with my mother faded away as soon as I saw her standing there with that broad smile on her face and gleaming eyes, full of excitement and adventure.

"That's great news darling! I thought we could go down to the new shopping centre on Driftaway Lane, and then we could grab some food, and-"

"Mum!" I cut her off. "Anything is fine as long as I'm spending time with you."

She informed me that we were leaving in 20 minutes, so I ushered her to leave before closing the door and tearing apart my wardrobe. After 5 minutes or so, I put together a cream hollister sweater paired with some adorable black and white printed leggings, my favourite combat boots and a fluffy scarf to keep me warm. It was cold out and I definitely DID NOT need to get sick. I had a maths test next week and if I missed it I would lose a quarter of my overall grade.

I went to the bathroom to continue getting ready when my mother screamed from outside, "Hazel, darling, it's time to leave! Are you ready?", so I grabbed my phone and rushed out the door.


The car ride to the shopping centre was quiet. I tried to make conversation but mum would just shrug me off, as if she was distracted by something. She was fidgeting and seemed to be having a hard time concentrating on her surroundings. The smile she had plastered on her face looked happy, but it didn't reach her eyes like it usually did. I could sense the tention, maybe she was hiding something from me?  I'll have to ask her about it later. She seemed so happy before, I don't want our day together to be ruined because of something that I can't control.


We had been walking around the shopping centre for at least an hour. As I was window shopping, I noticed out of the corner of my eye a man staring at me. The hairs at the back of my neck stand on end; his stare was so intense, I was instantly uncomfortable. I was beginning to panic, but then I remembered all the incursions we had at school about predators. Surely this man wouldn't be interested in me? I decided to shrug it off and ignore him.

After a few minutes I grew more and more curious. I couldn't resist, so I glanced over my shoulder and inconspicuously looked around for the man. I must have ignored him a little too well, because he had disappeared out of sight. Whoever he was, he wouldn't be bothering me anymore. I walked inside a dress store and approached the rack of dresses that have just gone on sale. I pulled out one dress which I particularly liked; a stunning dress in a soft fabric, with gorgeous lace detailing on the sleeves (A/N picture on the side!) and a figure-hugging torso. I had a dinner party coming up I thought it would be absolutely perfect for. I wonder if mum will like it?

"Hey mum, don't you think this dress would be perfect for the dinner party next week?" I asked. Not hearing a reply, I spun around and I could immediately see why; my mum was nowhere to be seen! My eyes frantically darted around the store in search for her, but she clearly wasn't in there. It was close to lunchtime, and the malls were so crowded I swear I wouldn't have realised if One Direction themselves walked past me. I knew instantly there was no way I was going to find her by just standing there and looking around. Don't panic. Everything is alright. She's just inside a shop somewhere, and I can call her and she'll tell me everything is fine, I was telling myself, trying not to panic. I snatched my phone out of my bag and dialled her familiar number. It rung out, then went to voicemail.

"Hi, you've reached Acacia Williams. I can't answer your call at the moment, but leave a message and I'll try to get back to you ASAP. Have a nice day! "

Well that's bloody fantastic.

I didn't bother to leave a voicemail, I just hung up. I decided I would wait here for 10 minutes and if she didnt come I would go over to the information desk and get an announcement put over the loudspeaker.

As I was waiting I saw the man again. I tried desperately to ignore him but after a couple minutes of avoiding him I found myself looking over curiously. He had a bag, one I didn't see last time I saw him; a large, black bag that looked big enough to carry a horse. Whatever he was doing I was uncomfortable with it, but I don't like judging people so I told myself there was a completely logical explanation for his strange behaviour. I focused my attention on my phone, browsing through Twitter and half-expectantly waiting for a call from mum. 

10 minutes passed and, surprisingly, mum still hadn't returned. Everything is alright. She's just inside a shop, and I can request an announcement and she'll come back safely, I repeated over and over in my head as I walked over to the information desk. I really was starting to panic now, but I was going to stay strong and hope for the best.

"Hello?" I said shyly. A woman turned around and smiled at me.

"Hello, have you lost your mummy?" she asked sweetly.

Greeeeat. This girl thinks I'm like, 9 or something. I know I'm quite small for my age but I've definitely grown out of the 'mummy' thing. I'm 13 for Pete's sake! Does she seriously have to treat me like a child?

"Um, well... I.. uh.. well yeah, kinda. You see-"

"When was the last time you saw her?"

"Well we were shopping and-"

"Who were you with?"

She began bombarding me with questions, barely even waiting for an answer in between. This girl needs to slow down, I thought to myself angrily. Does she not have time for me or something? This is her job.

"Hey, look, I really don't have time for all these questions and I am REALLY worried about my mum so can you please just put an announcement over the loudspeaker so she will hear it and come back for me?" I stumbled out quickly, not wanting to be cut off or interrupted again.

"Sorry, no can do kiddo."

"Excellent! Her name is- wait... what?" I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

"I said, NOOO CANNN DOOO KIDDOOOO!" she replied slowly and ferociously, seemingly acting as if I were mentally challenged  and apparently deaf as well. I mean, who does this chick think she is?

"But.. but... this is ridiculous! What do you mean you can't put an announcement over the loudspeaker? I want to speak to the manager!" I huffed.

The girl just smirked. "Kid, you do realise this isn't a shop, there isn't a manager. Hurry along now, I don't want to deal with you anymore. I have better, more important things to do." She said, walking away and leaving me stranded by the desk without a clue of what do to next.


DID YOU ENJOY THE FIRST CHAPTER? Hehe sorry if it's a tad bit short, I'm working on making them longer and since the story is just starting I think it's good to let myself get used to writing longer sections. Anyway, vomment (vote and comment) if you would like! I love love loveee hearing your feedback and just taking with people :) Stay strong lovelies, and have a brotastic day!





........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')


..........''...\.......... _.·´

............\..............( bro fist! :P (yeah, I'm a tad bit obsessed with PewDiePie. YouTube it)


Driftaway LaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora