Only If You're Sure

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"Well, I was just going to curl up on my couch and watch it but -"

"No, please," I smile as does Hero, knowing I'm toying with her. But her little voice sounds desperate.

"I'm joking, I'd love to come, sweet pea," a wide smile covers Mila's face as she claps her hands excitedly in front of her.

"Shall I text you the arrangements? Just come here after work with an overnight bag and I'll sort the rest tomorrow," Hero sounds happy too and his smile matches his tone of his voice. I nod yes to his question, unable to ignore the excitement coursing through me. All because of his little girl. She's well and truly got me and her dad wrapped around her little finger. Not that it took much - for me, anyway.

We don't stay on the phone much longer as Hero has to do Mila's bedtime ready for tomorrow and I have things to sort out too. Namely packing an overnight bag and grabbing a certain jersey...


During lunchtime, I received a message from Hero telling me all the arrangements for tonight. It's been on my mind constantly, all day. Lingering in the corner while I've been teaching. So we don't spark any rumours, he's worked it all out for us so we can arrive without him but leave at the same. He said he'd text me more of the details, the guy's worked out a full-on operation which I'm really grateful for so I'm happy to go along with whatever plans he's made for us.

Stepping off the tube at Chigwell, I tap out of the station and begin the walk to the private road where Hero's home is. The first step of our plans is for me to go there, meet Mila and Mercy who picked her up from school before we head to the stadium. Apparently, he's arranged a private car for us, courtesy of the club so we can get out and go straight into the stadium. It'll save us a good walk from what I gather. The stadium's slightly set back from the road so we'd have to wander with the crowds. And with Mila in my company that's the last thing I want.

Heading down the straight road from the station, I feel a buzz in my back pocket. I reach around myself and my backpack with all my things in for an overnight stay and pull out my phone. My face changes into a smile as I see his name sitting attached to a notification. I slide my thumb across the screen, unlock my phone, and load up our messages.

I hope you're excited for tonight, Mila certainly is. Mercy's with her now but she'll be leaving just after you've arrived, she's got a meeting she needs to leave for. The car will be there in about an hour so you can chill for a bit before leaving xx

My smile widens and a wave of warmth washes over me. I'm touched he's trusting me with Mila. He's really allowing me into their lives, well and truly. As I walk, I type out my reply.

Of course, I'm excited! All sounds good, I'll get us both ready for the match. Thank you for trusting me with Mila xx

I hit send, but keep my phone in my hand, knowing a reply from him will likely land soon. Just a few minutes later, the vibration from my phone travels through my hand and up my arm, signalling his reply has arrived.

As I've said, Mila absolutely adores you. You never have to thank me for letting you spend time with her. I know she's safe with you. I'm looking forward to seeing you after the game xx

A smirk grows across my face. This is the first time I've stayed over on a 'school night' and, for some reason, I want to mark that. Lately, especially after his wake up call on me last weekend, I've wanted him. Much more and much quicker than I thought I would. I've wanted to feel him, feel him on top of me, holding me beneath him while our bodies explore one another's. I want him, selfishly. Even though I have to be guided by him in everything we do. Like tonight - granted it came from Mila but he was okay with it. But, I suppose, it doesn't hurt to be a bit suggestive with him.

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