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Have you heard of phrases like "I feel sparks between us", "love is fire", similarly, in Hindi apparently there's a saying "pyaar me jhatka lagna" (correct me if I'm wrong, my Hindi is terrible) [translation: love has (electric) current] it's same like the spark one. 

But some people don't realize these are just phrases or you can call it metaphors (I guess). But you know who doesn't realize? THE DAMN SERIAL WRITERS!!!

So apparently, the writers think when people say this, people actually get electric shock when they're in love. Or they may even think people who is burning are in love.

I am talking about this particular serial - Meet. You might remember me mentioning in another chapter about this serial. 

So you wanna know what's going on in this serial? 

Meet (girl) feels static shock whenever she touches Meet (guy). DAMN, I will just call them girl and guy. So yeah, that's what's up. And girl feels it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. SHE. TOUCH. GUY. 

Static shocks are real, I am not much into detailed science so I cannot define it and I may even be using wrong words right now, but sometimes it happens that when our hands touch someone else's, there is a shock. It's nothing painful but it makes us jerks and I'm pretty sure everyone has experienced this in their life sometimes. 

As I mentioned, I am not much into detailed science so I cannot tell you the exact cause of it but I can tell you for sure THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN BECAUSE OF LOVE!!! 

Girl goes to other female member of the family and tells them about this and they just laugh like the typical annoying girly girl type annoying laugh and tease about girl and guy and that they are in love. 

I have no words. (Well, that was ironic)

Just today I received a call in office and had to hand over the phone to one of the person in office, this exact thing happened. He is a really old guy with family, and just someone that happens to be in same office and this serials trying to tell me this happens because of love? 

What a bullshit!

What's next? Lighting each other on fire because "pyaar ka aag" [translation: fire of love] is also a phrase.

I hope they just stick to only Hindi metaphors and don't discover English ones like "I feel butterflies in my stomach". Next thing you know, you'll see the girl vomiting out butterflies. 

P.S. Talking about butterfly, I have a butterfly tattoo. Do you guys have tattoo? What do you think about getting tattoo?

This was really short, but I hope you enjoyed!

See you in the next chapter!

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