Alexander watched his friend hurry away and disappeared into a nearby elevator.

"Please, follow me." She offered and Alexander rose with a nod.

"So, Mr. Falcon, the owner of FAI?" He interrogated as he trailed behind.

"Yes, Sir, it's a sudden visit, he is usually never here. I have been an employee for four years and I have only met him twice, whatever he needed to deliver himself must be very important." She told him and he nodded. "Wait here, sir." She implored and proceeded to knock once at a gold door.

Really obsessed with that color.

What Easton said about most of them being real gold came to his mind and he wondered if the doors too were made out of gold. The thought made him chuckle sheepishly but he quickly smothered the expression when Sally addressed him.

"She is ready to see you." She ushered him in and turned to leave. "Good luck, sir."

Alexander made his way into the elegant-looking space and immediately spotted the lady behind her desk, files and papers crammed her desk; it looked as though she was lost amongst paperwork.

"I'm sorry, it's a busy day around here today, please, have a seat, I will attend to you shortly." She spoke without looking away from her computer.

He nodded and spotted a nice armchair by the glass walls. Once he had sat down, he picked up a magazine resting on the table right in front of him. Flipping through, it was filled with pictures of cars, trucks, buses, industrial machineries, electric motors, robotic cars, their numerous parts, and prices. He was amazed at each chapter he uncovers, the more beauty he reveals. He was impressed with Falcon and it would feel amazing to be employed here. Two pages to the end of the magazine he spotted a robotic car. It was sheer beauty but what had him gasping was when he spotted the name of the car.

White Prince.

That had him in shock for obvious reasons. But before he could dwell on the thought the lady addressed him.

"Yes, I will see you now." He snapped his eyes forward to the lady already walking towards him. "I'm Luciana Perris," she extended her hand and he stood on his feet before taking her hand gently into his.

"Alexander Rodriguez." He returned with a quick bow and she smiled slightly.

"Please," she gestured to his seat and he waited for her to sit before taking his own seat. "Mr. Easton, has assured me of your capacity and he didn't wish that I trouble you too much, so just tell me when you think would be convenient enough to resume." She offered gently and he gawked at her confused.

"Um...," he swallowed. "Is that it?" He asked with uncertainty, lacing each word.

"Yes, that will be all." She stated, paying little to no interest in his shocked expression. "Do you want Sally to show you to your department? She will give you first pointers for the next two weeks and report back to me." She explained further and Alexander could feel tears starting to burn at the corners of his eyes. "Despite Easton's vote of confidence I would still place you on a two weeks probation and at the end of the two weeks, whatever good reports Sally serves would determine a permanent employment."

"Yes!" He nodded eagerly.

"Good luck with your training and please, be on your best behavior Mr. Alexander, Easton had said so much about you, you wouldn't want to disappoint him."

"Yes!" He nodded again.

"If that would be all-"

"Um, please, one moment." He started and she paused midway from getting out of her chair.

"What is it, Mr. Alexander?" She asked and watched him grab the magazine and flipped to the page then carefully handed it over to her while pointing to the White Prince. "Yes, Mr. Easton is a very talented young man, this was his most recent presentation and the scientists ate it up, it hasn't been commissioned yet but it could be made official by the end of today's meeting with Falcon."

"Wow!" Alexander breathed out in both pride and amazement. This would be a big breakthrough for Easton.

"You are his friend, yes." She asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Yes, and I know where you're going, we don't often talk about his work but he had mentioned a few weeks ago about this project he named White Prince." He chuckled softly, remembering why he had called it white prince. Damn, he should have asked further questions.

"I see." She rose and turned towards her table. "That would be all." She dismissed and sauntered down to her working desk.

Alexander sat back down and eyed the futuristic car, he couldn't wait to see Easton and ask him how he had come about this idea. This was beyond amazing.

Back to his interview that had gone a lot better than he had imagined, he didn't even give his file to be examined. This had to be the easiest interview he has been to and in such an establishment no less. He owes Easton so much. What had he said to her that she didn't even bother to interview him? He must be respected in this place if what he told her carried this much weight. Of course, he had to be respected, he could be the creator of White Prince! Once he gets permanent employment, he sure will start working towards getting back to school.

It's never too late.

His attention returned to the woman who was speaking into the smart device on her desk.

"Yes, Sally, he's all yours."

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now