To which, she didn't mind. If he wanted to ignore her, she was more than fine with it.

Ironically, for the first time in life she felt like a mother. Mother to an extremely immature child. Still, regardless of all her feelings, she let him be. Thinking, with time he will come around.

Little did she know, a naughty child is always up to some sort of mischief.

Fortunately, she found out pretty quickly.

On one fine sleepless afternoon as she was on her way to the kitchen in order to grab some snack, but never reached, because halfway into the journey she received a call from her university.

Naturally Aiyora panicked, thinking the worst possible outcome. But the person on the other side assured, it was no such case. Then proceeded with a topic that stopped her heart.


"We would like to do an inquiry on Kuran Kaname. I believe he is your older brother."


"Excuse me?!"

"Cousin! I meant cousin! He is my cousin!" The pureblood quickly corrected her mistake. "Why do you ask?"

No matter how natural the term 'he is my ancestor' sounded to Aiyora and the people she is usually around, it would never make sense to the human who was currently speaking to her.

"I was hoping we could verify his application with you."

"His application! For what?"

As the man went into details, Aiyora narrowed her eyes, feeling her heart drop to her stomach. She rubbed a hand over her face and didn't dare hope. From experience she learned, it was always better to assume the worst. At least the weight of broken expectations weren't so suffocating then.




Soon as the call ended, Aiyora changed direction. Turning around on her heels, she sprinted towards Kaname's quarter. Didn't bother knock, just barged through the door. Manners could go to hell for all she cared!

The owner of the room lay on the divan, resting. An arm was draped over his eyes, shielding them from the incoming sunlight through the adjacent window.

"Did you apply for a job in my university?" She demanded, kicking the door shut.

Uncovering the eyes he turned, with an aggravated look on his face.

"Good morning Aiyora. Next time please knock." There was heavy sarcasm dripping from his voice.

But that hardly had an effect on her. As she pressed more firmly this time, punctuating each word.

"Did. you. apply. for. a. job. in. my. university?"

Instead of answering he sat up. Poured a glass of water, emptied out an entire tin of tablets and waited for it to dissolve. Acting as if she wasn't even there.

Aiyora narrowed her eyes and crunched her nose at the intense smell of chemical emanating from the tablet, that punched it's way through her nostrils.

He picked up the drink once the tablets fully dissolved and finished it in couple of long sips.

The female Kuran tapped her foot impatiently, assuming he would throw in an explanation after his drink finished. But no, he said nothing. Simply stared at her with those sad eyes. Anyhow, he really didn't need to say anything. The silence spoke on his behalf.

Taking this as her queue to speak, Aiyora began. Unlike him, she had the decency to explain as to why he isn't getting the job.

"The university called to verify your credentials. Might I add they were quite impressed and really wanted to recruit you."

Vampire Knight (Kaname Kuran X OC X Senri)Where stories live. Discover now