"Chanyeol can you hand over your sword to me for a moment?" Without any second thoughts Chanyeol handed his sword to me and with it's help I broke the darkness stone into pieces and rubbed it's remaining under my foot and cried louder while settling on my knees, even Chanyeol and Baekhyun eyes turned glossy.

"So, it's all over now." Baekhyun said, Everyone sighed with grief.

"What we gonna do with the Lord? Even though he is not a vampire anymore, he is still a mage." Chanyeol said taking his sword back, "A powerful one!"

"Let's take him to the Jeon's mansion before he comes back to his conscious." Jungkook said wiping off his tears, "Mr. Jeon will help us to find some clue to tackle him, since he is a wizard."

"And what about Jimin?" I asked with dejection.

"In the end, he truly proved us wrong by getting the Lord down, what he did for us for this world was really a brave act." Baekhyun said with admiration for Jimin. "He indeed saved loads of lives."

"We will burial a ceremony with regards for his bravery." Jungkook said while holding Jimin's stiffed body in his hands glancing at him with tears. Jungkook got up taking Jimin in his arms, while Chanyeol held the Lord on his shoulder, I held the stone of life and we walked out of the dark cave.


Dear diary,

               A lot has changed ever since the vampire became a part of my life. When we returned to the Jeon's mansion with The Lord and Jimin's dead body, Mr. Douglas and Mr. Jeon was astonished to see our state at first but later they took the vampire Lord and practiced some spells on a bracelet and attached the bracelet onto the lord's wrist.
The bracelet will keep the lord's dark magic power to a minimum, he won't be able to use his powers till the bracelet is on his hands. Also, the bracelet will keep Yoongi in deep sleep. It cannot be removed easily as Mr. Jeon used a shield charm which cannot be broke unless the person is more powerful than Mr. Jeon himself, in order to break the spell.

So, We took Yoongi's unconscious body deep down the mansion area where everything was dark and kept him there, in a coffin, where he truly belonged.

Jimin's burial ceremony was going on by the time we were about to bury Jimin, all the priest as well as the Oracle came together. They combined their powers again, reviving Jimin back to life, everyone was cheered up to see him back and I handed over the stone of life to Jin, it will be safe with the Oracle.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol left just after the ceremony was over, since they were back to being humans and all the stones were destroyed so they decided to bid their goodbyes to us, as Chanyeol wanted to go back to his hometown after centuries, that's what he said. I don't know I'll be able to see them ever again or not but they literally played a huge part in this journey and in my life, which I'll never forget.

Jimin and I decided to return back to our lives too and decided to complete our graduations, after my parents death and so many dark secrets revealed about my life, going back to my previous life is the only way out of this grief of losing them. Those vampires were never seen around after their Lord's disappearance.

As for Jungkook and I... this was just the beginning.



"So, Mr Jeon is a wizard?" I asked while ruffling Jungkook's hair as his head was layed down on my lap in the valley of Jeon's mansion. Ever since I learnt about my reborn story and Jungkook and my connection in the past, something between us has changed so much.

"Uh hun, he was my mentor once a hundred years ago, he was more like a father figure to me more than my own father, so he gave me his own title." Jungkook said glancing at me softly and getting up in a sitting position.

"A hundred you said?" I said raising my eyebrows at him while chuckling at him softly. "Damn! How long have you been waiting for me?"

"2102 years probably." My mouth agape.

"And you had no romantic relations in all those times." I said and added in a teasing manner, "Well that's bad for you."

Jungkook chuckled and shook his head.
He kept his hand on my cheek and brushed it lightly with his thumbs.

"Why would I be needing someone else, when you were always their in my heart, and I can't bare to lose you ever again." Jungkook said while pressing his soft lips gently onto mine.
My eyes flustered shut, all the memories of him and I went through my mind.

The time when he was being crowned as a king and the crowds cheering for him looking at him but he just looked at me smiling with so much adoration.

The time when we used to go running far away from all the people, all the responsibilities, to the place where just him and I used to be there, loving, kissing each other.

The time when I rode my black horse in a deep meadow while he tried to catch up with me, us giggling and laughing at each other.

The time when we were in a lake which was in the middle of mountains, the water falling beside us and while he was holding me in his arms to keep the balance so that I don't drown, and giving a light peck on my head.

The time when he was losing his breath holding me tight with blood all around and him telling me it's all fine that we will meet again, that that wasn't just an end for us.

A tear streamed down my face as I fluttered my eyes open and saw Jungkook's doe eyes with so much softness gazing at me with. He fulfilled his promise.

"Give me a chance again, Taehyung and I'll prove it to you." Jungkook said as his eyes turning glossy, a smile spread on my face as the tears continually streamed down my face.

"Yes! Yes Jungkook" I said and with that his mouth found mind again, pecking over and over on all over my face with a smile on his face and kissing my lips, again.

"I love you, Taehyung."

"I love you, too, Jungkook."

(AN : This is 'The End' of part 1. Although, I have combined all the books, so the part 2. Will be starting from the next chapter onwards in this same book.

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