Chapter 19 : The Wait

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck is happening," I said, and Chris chuckled.

"Some reverse psychology bullshit she learned she uses it on me all the time," he said, and I continued to look at the scene unfold.

"Thank you, I am," Tasha said and let go of Jasmine. I shook my head just like that, give your child up.

"I know, girl, go ahead well, call you when the results come in," Alecie said, and Tasha smiled.

"Thank you so much," Tasha said, and Alecie smiled, hugging her.

"No problem enjoy yourself, hon; we got her," Alecie said, and Tasha looked at me and smirked.

"Oh, I will," she said, walking out of the building.

I nodded, sitting down and placing my head in my hands.

This is the longest day of my life; I should have never returned home.

Someone touched my hands and moved my fingers; I saw Jasmine looking at me.

She moved my hands and walked between my legs, hugging me; I sighed and bent down to hug her back, resting my head on her shoulder.

I hugged her tighter because, as pussy as it sounds, I needed this; I pulled away and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks," I said, and she smiled; I shook my head; she's smarter than she looks.


I smiled because I've never seen Langston act like that; ever since I've met him, he's been an asshole who just doesn't care about anything.

But... That little girl will change him, and he doesn't even know it yet; we all watched as they hugged; he kissed her cheek, and she smiled at him.

He stood up and held her hand, walking over to us.

We stared at him, and he snapped at us, "What?" He said.

"Nothing," we said, walking towards the exit.

We got to the elevator, and Alecie froze. She looked at Chris just like she did earlier, and he nodded, grabbing her hand.

"We'll see y'all at the car," he said, and they walked in the opposite direction.

We stepped inside, and I wanted to know why she was so afraid of elevators. I mean, damn.

"So we're going to pretend that's not weird," I said, and nobody said anything.

I nodded, "Okay..." I said and shook my head.

When the elevator opened, we stood around the cars waiting for Chris and Alecie.

Mo grabbed Jasmine and buckled her up in the car seat; soon, Alecie and Chris came out the door, and we all went into the cars.

I sat in the front with Alecie; of course, Mo and Marie sat with Jasmine.

"So why are you scared of elevators," I asked. I'm sorry my curiosity gets the best of me, and I want to know I don't like being out of the loop on anything.

Marie hit me upside down, and I rubbed it, "Ouch bitch" I said.

"Well, you remember what I told you earlier?" She said, and I nodded, remembering everything she's been through.

"Well, that's part of it, I don't ride them alone, but lately, I won't ride them altogether. I've been working on that with my therapist," she said, and I nodded.

The mood turned sour, and I felt terrible.

"I bet your calf muscles are huge," I said, and she laughed, causing the car to laugh.

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