Meeting you

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Thunder roared through the small city attendant with a fierce lightning, illuminating the starry sky. Under these natural disasters dashed a hooded figure, escaping the heavy rain, who's obviously coming out of buckets. The figure, a normal girl with everyday problems missed the last bus and had to wander through this damn hell-like weather. The universe decided to take another wall between you and your 'comfortable' bedroom. As if being behind the rent, having an irresponsible roomate and working tirelessly to at least have food on the table wasn't enough. The only good thing about this messed up situation was the running through your favourite trail in the park. It was quiet there, far upside from the stressful main route, where families and crying kids made your head rumbled like a damn bell.  Just the gardeners come here, doing their business in the early morning hours.  

You decided to take a seat at the wooden bench in the middle, letting the fresh water cleanse your mind away. Maybe drowing away is the best option? Is there anything worth to return to, besides your worries? You're drooling in your thought's when the damp above you suddenly stopped. You closed your eyes, paused a little and then opened them again. A large man loomed over you his big round eyes staring at you longingly. He was easy over six feet tall and a lightning bolt gives you a small glimpse of his posture. Black pents, a dark ocean-blue shirt with a half black and half white heart in the middle and an also black vest suited him actually. 'WTF Y/N, think straight, a man is standing over you and you are simping over him.' He smiled wildly and your think it could get any wider but it got replaced with a concerning expression, holding a big umbrella over him and leaning towards you so you don't get more slobbery than you already are. 

"Do you mind if I...," he gestured towards the seat next to you. A sane person would run away or decline the offer but he seems nice so... "Of course, you're helped me out after all first, didn't you," you smiled at him and he giggled akwardly, putting his right hand behind his head. He slowly slumped onto the bench, carefully holding the umbrella over you.

"What are you doing in a storm like this out here," his worried voice broke the silence.  You looked at him, fumbling with your hands nervously. 'Why was this stranger so nice to you, he is almost to desperate to help you.' "I was late for the bus," you mumbled and put your head into your hands, looking at the tiny ground puddles. The akward silence took over again with you staring at the ground and the stranger straight ahead.

"What are you doing out her, anyway," you asked peeking into his ocean-blue eyes. He tensed up and smiled shyly at you, looking in every direction, trying to find an answer. "I am a night owl, I always go out at a time like this, even when it's like this on the outside." You nodded at him and stared again at the ground. 

"So...How about a date?"

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