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Dernière Danse - Indila

Throughout Jimin's whole life, he never truly had something that would stay in his every day routine.

That would last in the long run kind of thing.

Something would always happen out of the blue, and then he would end up alone.

Only with himself as comfort.

The first time Jimim ever experienced this reality of lonesomeness had to be the incident that traumatized him from getting on buses - The day his parents died.

He was young, but old enough to have enough acknowledgement that his parents are no longer by his side.

Dragged into the foster care system, growing up with unstable homes, he found something that he wanted to linger longer inside him the second he discovered it.


The beauty of ballet.

The second he discovered the stirring passion when he began to practice as a young child, he knew he didn't want this to ever end. He wanted to feel his body moving, stretching, forming shapes and curve lines in the air. He wanted to continue practicing.

To grow better.

Be better.

Be passionate about dancing, and that he already had.

With ballet he got lucky, with people - not so much.

When he met Jihyo, that was out of some sheer luck of the universe. Despite her unstable relationships, she always remained by his side like a steady guard, but would occasionally disappear off from time to time? But that didn't change their friendship status.

And then Taemin.

He was there in one point, making Jimin perhaps believe in love for a moment, but then he disappeared. They moved on. They grew up.

Continuing on through life, Jimin never had something to truly stay.

Consistently that is.

All he had was ballet.

And he expressed that, the second the music started.

Despite being on ice, Jimin's moves were equivalent as though he was on ground with his ballet slippers. His feet pointed as though they were coated by pointe shoes, arms and legs moving broadly as they told the story of his love for ballet - the hours and days of training, practicing, failing and anger for complete success.

All the while being blind folded to the world.

Meanwhile, Jeongguk skated around him.

Moves of a speed skater in acceleration and a hunched posture as he skates around the perimeter, purposely falling and getting back up, covering his ears from time to time with flinches to the noise in broad expressions while moving his arms in desperation to his lips - wanting to express what his lips are zipped to say, but he couldn't.

He signed it instead.

Help me.

I want to skate.

Let the world not know I can't hear the melody of the music.

Or speak the tongues of gentle music notes.

I still want to skate.

Help me reach my dream.

Despite the two skaters doing different moves, they told a story individually.

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