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Be Your Enemy - Taemin (Ft. Wendy)

It was hard to feel anything more, or even tolerate it, but this fueling annoyance coiling up Jimin body, erupting like some angry volcano just ready to explode as he sits there on this familiar coach, glaring at Jeongguk in front of him. The man is sitting on the coffee table facing him, holding a bowl of ramen, edging a spoon of the broth towards his lips patiently.

Jimin's glare intensified, arms crossed now.

This is taking it too far now.

"Look, be grateful that I even let you touch me for putting whatever this thing is on my head," He waves off the the bandage wrapped around the center of his head, covered by a Santa hat for his sake of beauty, "And doll me up with these clothes, but you feeding me is a little too much."

Jeongguk didn't falter his actions, only remains the same with perhaps a one eye over to Jimin wearing his warm yellow hoodie and plaid pajama pants. It wasn't easy making him shower to say the least, especially since he just wanted to go home, but after Jeongguk remained like a block in front of the door then Jimin ended up grumpily showering and got dressed.

He didn't need stitches for his head, just bled a little from the impact. Jeongguk did run a concussion test, which just involves asking questions through a tablet, on him to see if he has it but had little symptoms. However he did text the team's medic in order to have an extra input on it.

The man is short, raven hair in twirls that captures well his sullen face. He's not so old as one would think, but feels like he's always been there since when Jeongguk got into the team he was always their medic.

Anyways, he arrived - giving a chance for Jeongguk to shower while he did more tests on Jimin, who only scoffed at Jeongguk for even bringing this guy over in the first place. The medic, Min Yoongi, stated that Jimin mainly passed out due to dehydration and lack of nutrients in his body, and how it wasn't because of the hit on the head.

However tomorrow morning he advised Jimin to go to his office to do some brain scans, just to make sure and to be on the safe side. For now he urged Jeongguk to not make him do so many activities for now and make him drink sips of water first before he eats, to which he recommended soft foods like a soup broth or fruits. From there to also check his blood pressure every four hours, providing him with the numbers to where it should be to be healthy.

When asked about the bruise on his cheek, Jimin was quick to dismiss it off and put the excuse it was probably when he fell.

Yoongi didn't seem to believe him, but either way let it slide.

Lastly he advised Jimin to stay here, or if he were to go home than have Jeongguk stay with him too. Since his body is weak, it's likely he may pass out again if he doesn't eat something or experience levels of extreme overwhelm and anxiety, so someone must be there to make sure he's okay.

Jimin had the sourest look on his face by the time Yoongi left, and it didn't really help how Jeongguk wordlessly did take everything he said into consideration.

Now they're here, Jimin under a layer of a fluffy white blanket despite the warm layers he has on, grimacing to the soup broth a few inches away from his lips; waiting for him to sip.

He already drank a water bottle earlier so his stomach is ready for something, but he knows the second that soup goes in his body it's coming right back out.

So he tears his gaze away from it, frowning heavily, "I can't eat it okay! I'll get sick!"

Jeongguk sits there blinking like an innocent child, pursing his lips with furrowed eyebrows into thought before bringing the bowl with the spoon down and gets up to walk somewhere else.

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