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Let's Go To The Beach

"Heaven. It'd be heaven, getting' you for one minute while on my way to hell." -Trent Lawson (Give Me a Reason)

" -Trent Lawson (Give Me a Reason)

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Waking up to the sight of Alessandra smooshed against a pillow with her hair in disarray is a sight I will never get tired of. Every morning she has a new sleepy face. Sometimes it's a little open with a trickle of drool leaking out and other times she has a cute duck face that she denies having no matter how many pictures I show to her as proof.

As the sunlight trickles in, I'm grateful for a night of no nightmares. It's hard to smile and laugh with Alessandra in the morning when images of her corpse taunt me at night. Oftentimes, I ask myself if this was a good idea. What if it's not actually a vision from the past and rather a manifestation of the future? The mere thought of it seeps terror into my bones.

After tucking Alessandra in (she always loses the blanket in her sleep), I walk into the kitchen and pack up the cooler I brought. With some fresh ice in the cooler and all the beach essentials in my backpack, I'm ready to spend some quality time with my mate under the sun.

Time to wake the beast.

Alessandra walks next to me with her toes digging into the sand

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Alessandra walks next to me with her toes digging into the sand.

Large sunglasses hide her beautiful eyes and her hair is in a low bun at the nape of her neck. The scent of sunscreen wafts off of both of us as we search for the perfect spot on the beach.

"Can you believe there is no one at the beach? Are they crazy? It's a wonderful day and the waves are gonna be epic," Alessandra asks.

"I rented the beach houses surrounding us and it is a private beach reserved for guests so," I say with a shrug.

"That's why you were so okay with me wearing this!"

"This" refers to her small bikini that has me salivating, no lie.

"Sweetheart, I'm not going to tell you what you can and cannot wear. If someone tries something you can handle it or I can, whatever you wish."

"You're so cute sometimes," she responds with a little smile.

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