C H A P T E R 9

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I Had To Find My Soul Before I Found My Soulmate

"Love is not in our choice, but in our fate." - John Dryden


Mates are the one thing we are guaranteed in life. If no one loves you, at least you know that one day your mate will. It doesn't matter how you look or what your ranking is. The only thing that is important is the bond.

It's ingrained in our minds as pups that we are allowed to love one person in this life. Relationships are basically doomed from the start because someone will end up getting hurt once a mate is found. But who was going to tell the future alpha of one of the strongest packs not to date?

I have never loved Zane. The only person I've loved romantically is my mate. My mate who was supposed to love me no matter what happened. He was supposed to love me even if I drove him crazy. My mate was going to love me and treat me like a queen. Unfortunately for me, the man I've never loved and the one who I have loved forever are the same damn person.

No matter what happens, Zane will always be the one for me. Not because I love him, but because he was made for me. It was written in the stars. My soul is forever tainted with his memory.

I can't say I don't believe in love, because I do. I've seen love with my own eyes with my parents. I saw it with Luna Lucile and Alpha Giovanni. Love is a phenomenon that consumes people. It grabs onto our hearts and never lets go. When you love someone you will love them forever. No matter how much they hurt you, there will always be a part of your heart that keeps the memory of the love you had.

He will always love Isabel.

After the encounter with Zane, I had been too tired to shift into my wolf again. By the time I reached my house, my feet were covered in dirt. I was strong the whole walk here but the second I see Isabel's window, my eye sheds a tear.

"Oh, my goddess! Are you alright?"

I can barely see with the tears in my eyes but I see a blur of blonde hair.

"I'm fine."

"Trust me, you're not. Follow me."

I take the woman's hand and let her lead me away. For all, I know she could be a rogue taking me to my death but my heart hurts too much to care. As we approach our destination, my tears start to slow down.

"Here sit on the rock."

I follow her directions and finally look towards the sky. The sight of the lake takes my breath away. I've lived here my whole life but it never ceases to amaze me. The water is crystal clear and despite all the tourists, it's usually quite solemn.

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