C H A P T E R 2

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Satan Will Be Asking For Tips

"Temptation is a woman's weapon and a man's excuse."


It's Friday night. Friday night can mean a lot of things to people but to the Blood Moon Pack's adolescents, it meant parties. The type where you can feel the booze flooding your bloodstream and putting your mind into a temporary haze. The type where the music controls your movements and nearly bursts your eardrums. The type where the bed squeaking above and the moans and groans don't bother anyone. Why? Simply because it was Friday, and Friday was the one day where you could forget.

I fell into the one percent of the pack's population that didn't enjoy these parties. Okay, maybe I was the only person that didn't enjoy these parties. I never needed to forget anything, and I didn't want to forget anything. The present is a different story though. I need to forget the fact that in exactly 20 days I will be turning 18 and could possibly find the person to whom half my soul belongs. No fucking pressure there.

So here I am, in front of my full-length mirror inspecting my appearance before I go out in the attempt to forget. My body has been squished into a burgundy colored dress that hugs my body in all the right places. My boobs appear to be, well, apparent and my butt is even more prominent than it usually is.

Oh, goddess bless me.

Walking into the party I'm hit with the smell of weed, sweat, and alcohol

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Walking into the party I'm hit with the smell of weed, sweat, and alcohol. All around the room there people dancing, grinding, kissing, and just partying.

"Alessandra!" I hear a screechy voice say.

"Oh..hi Jackie,"

Jacqueline Freeman is the definition of mean. In my whole high school experience, I've only had one boyfriend. Guess who messed it up, Jacqueline Freeman. Walking in on your boyfriend and Jackie doing the dirty is something that can scar someone for life. Granted, it was his fault more than it was hers, but I had considered her a friend before that night. Ever since then, I have stayed away from the male population. 

She sounded like a dying cow.

I don't need to relive the moment Leya.

Most of my anger was aimed at Jaden because he was the one I was dating. He had committed to me and he went back on it. Then I found out that Jacqueline had spread rumors about my sex life with Jaden and had called one of my best friends a slut. So yeah, not her biggest fan.

I wasn't heartbroken or anything, I wanted to break up with Jaden soon anyway. I just didn't expect it from him because before he was my boyfriend he was my best friend. I knew that Jackie and Jaden continued to see each other after, even if it was just sex, it hurt to know that Jaden had once been my best friend and now he hardly looked at me. On the rare occasion we did make eye contact he would give me an awkward smile, look down, and walk away.

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