C H A P T E R 33

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"And if the devil were to ever see you, he'd kiss your eyes and repent." -Farouq Jwadeh


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I'd seen some of the letters Lorenzo had written to his mate Rosanna. Quite often, he referred to her as "Beauty". As my eyes track Alessandra as she walks down the stairs, I see the truth behind his nickname.

It was not just her looks that made her beautiful but her heart as well. She was a good person to all those around her, even those she did not know. It was not something I could say about myself, but is that not the point of mates? She and I are different in many ways but it creates a balance. I think back to my conversation with Mr. Oberoi and remind myself to talk about Alessandra about my idea later tonight.

Her dress was a deep gray with a sparkling bodice. It hugged her torso tightly with a deep cut through the middle which was close to revealing her breasts. The other half of the dress flared out like a traditional ball gown. Her brown tresses were flowing down her back in curls.

A star, she looked like a star on a dark night.

She stops next to me and places her arm through mine.

"Magnifica," I whisper in her ear. She smiles in return.

We wait for a few seconds before we hear the announcer formally introduce us to the rest of the ball. A trumpet belts out before he speaks into the microphone.

"I present to you Alessandra and Zane De Luca, Alphas of the Blood Moon Pack!"

We both take a deep breath in before stepping around the corner and through the large doorway. A series of applause sounded as we walk down the aisle towards our table. It was customary for the Alphas to be introduced before entering the ball but it seems people were a little too excited to see us.

Why wouldn't they? Everyone thought you would be with the other Romano sister.

"Presenting Lian Zhao-Ashford, Alpha of the Moonlight Pack," the announcer spoke.

I flinch when I recall the events that took place two years ago. Her mate, Levi Ashford, was killed in a fight between the Moonlight Pack and the Reapers. The Reapers were a highly trained group of werewolves who had established a pack years ago. They had no rules or values. Lian Zhao, Levi's mate, had wiped them later for revenge.

 Levi Ashford was a good alpha, one who would be missed by many. 

I clap for each of them with no joy or interest. My eyes are on the woman across from me who was taking in everything around her like it was a dream. Every now and then I watch her eyes squint when a bright flash went off from one of the cameras that the reporters were holding.

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