C H A P T E R 12

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"Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully." - Kristen Butler


Currently, the boys and girls were tied. I was the last guy who had not gone so I swam over to the platform and got on top of it. What I didn't expect to see was Alessandra swimming over to the platform as well.

Oh fuck.

I truly believed that I had this win in the bag. Seeing her is changing my point of view. She's wearing a black bikini. Her hair is wet and sticking to the side of her face. She looks so fucking sexy that I'm sure someone forgot to tell her that this wasn't a perfume commercial.

Small, dainty hands flatten on the platform. She pushes herself up and reveals her tanned body. Alessandra spends most of her time training with that shithead Jaden these days. It's clear when I looked at her body. Her stomach is toned and her muscles are proof of her strength. I follow the path her dark hair makes from the top of her head to the slope of her neck all the way to her cleavage.

I remember the first time I noticed she had developed breasts. Isabel had already gotten hers but Alessandra was left behind. Then one day we were all at the lake swimming when some human boy walked over to her. His eyes didn't stray away from her breasts and I lost my shit. I punched him and I'm pretty sure his nose broke. It was well deserved so I wasn't sorry, but Alessandra thought I was ruining her chances of getting a boyfriend. Which I was, but it wasn't my intention. I actually don't know what my intention was.

Her breasts have always been small. I don't know how bra sizes work but she has a handful. They've never distracted me before but they are all I can focus on right now.

Fuck I'm a pervert.

"Go!" Hiro yells. I'm pulled from my thoughts by his deep voice. Unfortunately, my eyes take a little too long to return to Alessandra's face. She looks at me with a smirk on her face. She knows she's going to win this, and so do I. I'm still staring at her when I'm brought to the ground.

Oh god this is so much worse.

If I was struggling when she was 5 feet away from me, then I'm really in trouble now. Her body is pressed up against mine. I can hear and feel her heartbeat. Our eyes connect and I swear our breathing gets heavier. Something shifts and she brings her focus back to the game. Mine stays on her, specifically her lips. I lick my lips as I stare at hers.

Then I'm submerged in water.

The girls start cheering while the boys' jaws drop. Their future alpha, me, was just brought down by a beta female.

And I loved every second of it.

And I loved every second of it

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