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The Final Light

"Even when we're six feet under, and our bones are dust, I will haunt your soul until it aches to be free of me. And then, I will hold you tighter." -Hunting Adeline


I wake up to chains trapping my arms. My nose and eyes sting and I'm unable to smell anything. My vision is a blurred mess but I can make out two figures in front of me. The room is humid and feels sticky against my skin. I must have shifted back into human form when I was knocked out. Whoever has taken me threw a large white shirt onto me.


The pebbles on the floor poke against my feet but at least my legs are not chained to the wall as well. If I had to guess they have taken me to the abandoned storage facility on Blood Moon land. There's a small sense of comfort knowing I am still on my territory but most of the pack has evacuated by now.

They won't find me. Zane will though.

My back still hurts and what had started out as a sting of pain has morphed into a throbbing that makes me nauseous. The wolfsbane subdues my wolf and I panic when I don't feel her.


Leya, are you okay?

No response. My heart feels tight at the realization.

I'm here Al.

It's weak, barely present in my mind, but the small communication with my wolf brings me some solace. As my vision clears, I see Donata standing next to the hunter I was chasing. Darkness engulfs the room except for a single light bulb above me making it harder to see my surroundings.

"Get away from her," I croak out.

Apparently, I'm the next big comedian because they both burst out in laughter. I know what has happened now. I know, but I don't want to admit it. It would simply be too painful.

"Silly girl, always in over her head," Donata spits out.

Betrayal hurts no matter how small or big it is. I just never imagined it to be this bad. I went to this woman for help, she helped my mate and me, and now? Now she's ready to kill me. I can see the murder in her eyes.

"You're twenty years old, Alessandra. What the hell do you know about leading a pack? Trust me, if it wasn't me who got you, it would have been someone else."

"Why would you do this?"

"Why not?"

My mouth opens to ask more questions but then I hear a door slam. I look past Donata and see a glass barrier between this room and the next. Everything is set up like a makeshift torture chamber which means these people have not been here long. I'm able to see through the glass but I don't know if anyone on the other side can see me. Two men file in, the hunter's tattoo stamped on their biceps. They tug on the chain they brought with them and Zane walks in. He's bruised but it's nothing extreme. He could take the men on if he wanted.

Why hasn't he?

His eyes search the room frantically and I see the redness in his eyes from the wolfsbane. Wolfsbane lowers our senses down to a human's. He won't be able to smell me or hear me. Judging by his reddened eyes, I'm not sure his vision lets him see much either.

"Where is she?"

Two more men shuffle into the room, closing the door behind them.

"Sit down, mutt," the largest one says.

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