C H A P T E R 47

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"Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does change the future."


He isn't getting better. Hiro and Ricardo helped me carry him into our bedroom a few hours ago. I've been sitting here, waiting to see the lashes in his chest get better but they have stayed the same.

His hoodie acts as a protective blanket around me. I try to find comfort in his scent and the warmth of the sweatshirt but my heart will not stop pounding.

The sound of my family and friends downstairs registers briefly before the ringing in my ears continues. All of them refuse to leave and I'm grateful for it. I reach for his hand and hold it tightly.


Donata said he will heal but I can still feel the ache in my chest from his injuries. It hasn't lessened and my hope continues to diminish.

The slow sound of the door creaking catches my attention. Through the small sliver of space between the door and the wall, I see familiar hazel eyes staring at me.

I wonder what it would be like if Isabel and I weren't so estranged, if we were just sisters who fought sometimes but always had each other's backs. The truth is that I would give up my relationship with Zane if it meant having my sister back again.

We came into this world together, I just wish we would have been able to live it together too.

I straighten my back and mentally prepare for what she will say.

I would have protected him.

I should be Luna.

I prepare myself for words that never come and in their place are words I thought I'd never hear from her.

"Are you okay?"

It's genuine. Her voice is laced with concern. Her tall body stands awkwardly by the door as if she's unsure if she should step in further. I catch her eyes flit around the room and pause on Zane momentarily.

Inside, I wonder when she became this person. I try to remember the sister who was always at my side instead of the one who humiliated me in front of my pack. Yet when I reach into the crevices of my mind, the image of the Isabel I want to remember becomes muddled with the one that stands in front of me now.

"I'm okay."

My response is meant to be dismissive but even I can hear the uneven tone of my voice and the shaky breath that leaves me. I'm a liar. I'm not okay and if I don't see Zane's dark eyes again I'm not sure I ever will be. Despite our differences, Isabel is my twin and I know she sensed my despair the second she walked into the room.

She walks over to me and pulls me out of bed. I open my mouth to protest but the strength to form words has left me. I follow her to the large glass doors that lead to the balcony outside.

There's a small table out on the balcony that used to be unused. It was dusty when I moved in but I already had a picture in my mind when I saw the set up. It was the perfect place to drink coffee and just enjoy the beautiful view in the morning. Initially, my image was one of me, sitting on one of the two chairs and sipping my hot coffee slowly. I never expected Zane to join me but he did.

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