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Ark: "Me? Well, my name is Ark. We don't have much time so I will explain things to you quickly"

Y/n stared up at the boy, seemingly no older than himself. Short brown hair and hazel eyes. To an ordinary person, he would be nothing more than someone amongst a crowed. To Y/n however, he was far beyond that.

(Closest I could find to myself in an anime style)

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(Closest I could find to myself in an anime style)

Ark: "Right now, your inside the Abyss, this small pocket of the omniverse is what I would consider my home"

Y/n: "Wha-? So your telling me that more than one world exists?"

Ark: "Yep! Your world actually derives from its main universe, but I'll tell you about that another time. For now, we should focus on the reset of your universe"

Y/n: "Reset? What do you mean"

Ark motioned for him to follow. He stood up before Ark spoke a command, a massive glowing sphere. Inside was the logo of a golden L. Around it were a bunch of smaller orbs orbiting it.

He held his hand out as one of the orbs floated into his hand. Dismissing all the others before he turned the orb into an oval shape, enlarginening it before an image projected, causing Y/n's eyes to widen.

Y/n: "That's!"

Ark: "This is your universe. While I was creating a body for your soul, the war started. Currently, Runeterra and the rebellion are fairing well. However, Vel'koz still has a plan left in play"

Y/n: "What do you mean? What's he planning?"

Ark: "He plans to energize the core before giving it to watcher that's been observing the planet. The core also acts as a barrier. I already sent Nevan to retrieve it. But enough of that, you still have the lantern don't you?"

Y/n: "Its still at the lake, gathering up the rest of the souls. I had planned on safe guarding everyone's souls into it before I figured out how to destroy everything"

Ark: "I gotta admit, its a pretty decent plan. As for resetting the universe, I already know how to do that"

Y/n: "And how am I supposed to do that?"

Ark: "Think you mean 'We'. The plan is pretty simple, we need to cause a phenomenon I like to call 'Mana-Quantum Disruption'.The two of us need to create this by exerting every ounce of energy till the universe collapses in on itself"

Y/n: "How do you know this is gonna work?"

Ark stayed quiet for moment as his eyes darted to the ground, as if thinking back to a memory. A small scoff left his lips.

Ark: "Nevan and Nero accidentally attempted it in a last ditch effort. It soon became a fail safe just in case....speaking of which, he should ready to go"

Runeterra's Desolation (LoL x M/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now