Desolation 1

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It was just like any other day here in Piltover for me, up bright and early to get my day started. I had gotten out of bed and stretch my limbs, hearing some audible pops. I left my room to quickly fix myself a breakfast which would save me some time to get ready.

After having some hashbrowns and toast, I went to get dressed and ready for another day of school. Just one small problem I sometimes have.

Y/n: "The hell should I even wear?"

Yeah, I sometimes had trouble when it comes to picking the small assortment of clothes that I had in the wardrobe. I really need to buy some new clothes as well. I said screw and just picked what I first grabbed before getting dressed. I had put on a pair of navy blue jeans and a grey shirt that had K/DA's logo on the back.

With being a music lover thanks to my sister and father back home, I quickly became interested in K/DA's music. Each of their songs had the right amount serene and energy inducing atmosphere it could give. To top it off, the lyrics had a lot of meaning to them as well.

Crap I just went on a monologue didn't I? Damn it, gotta stop doing that. I fix my messy H/c hair before grabbing my school bag. Before I head out though, I looked over to a small picture frame. It contained a photo of a woman with black hair that reached her shoulders and sea blue eyes. I could feel the sad smile creeping up on me.

Y/n: "Be back soon mom, take care"

I left the house afterwards as I began walking towards Piltover high. It was a nice and peaceful walk there as I gave some greetings to some of the locals.

It didn't take long for me to get there. As I made my way in, I got a few greetings from some of my fellow school mates. I didn't feel like wasting time however so I quickly made it to my first class. Magic/History studies with Mr. Ryze. I entered the empty classroom as said teacher looked up from a book he was reading.

Ryze: "Mr. L/n, your here rather early. Have you studied for the test today?"

Y/n: "I've studied up as much as I possibly could. No guarantees I will get a perfect score though. How have ya been holding up?"

Ryze sends a small smile my way before getting up from his seat and walking to the door behind me.

Ryze: "I have been alright. Since your here early, why don't you take a seat and relax, I need to go an grab the test papers"

He then leaves the room as I go to take my seat which was in the middle row close to the window. I pull out some earbud before placing them in my ears. I then grab my phone before putting on some light ambiance as I rest my eyes.

After what I think to be a few minutes of peace, I felt a tap on my shoulder to which I open my eyes to see who was grabbing my attention. Turns out it was Seraphine, my first friend ever since I move to Piltover. I take one earbud before smiling at her.

Seraphine: "Your here pretty early, what's the occasion?"

Y/n: "Do I need a reason to be early? Its a nice day out, plus its the day of the test"

Seraphine: "Guess that's a fair point"

We both shared a small laugh before she asked.

Seraphine: "So, you plan on releasing your first track, or are you still putting that on hold?"

Guess I forgot to mention, Seraphine suggest I try being apart of the music industry, so I began the process of project I had been working for about a few weeks now. I settled more on the EDM route as a starting point.

Runeterra's Desolation (LoL x M/Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें