Desolation 25

372 9 3

The short lived fight with Viego was over as Y/n walked towards the spire of energy. His body ran on autopilot through the walk as he was inside his own.

He was staring at an orb comprised of an intense void, much stronger than his. Yet, he could feel it was his power that was locked away from him. It then suddenly spoke to him.

Orb: "Your doing pretty well out there kid. Your emotional control can use some work"

Y/n: "That's what I wanted to know, why am I able to gain the emotions of others after taking their power"

Orb: "Now that's something Viego got wrong. Yes you take emotions, but they don't belong to the person you took them from"

Y/n was confused at what the orb was talking about until it slowly clicked. If the orb had a physical appearance, it would be smiling at the boy's realization.

Orb: "Catching on yet? Every power you currently have, is alive"

At those words, physical manifestations of every power he has obtained appeared around him. The emotions radiated off them. Grief, bloodlust, hate, and joy to name a few, were some he could feel from them.

Orb: "All these current powers that you have all have sentience and emotion. It takes a certain trigger to activate one of them"

Y/n: "So Gwen's power was the one that truly hates Viego?"

Orb: "Correct. I'm afraid we should stop here, I'll see you soon"

Y/n was soon back in the physical realm as he stopped at the base of a massive mound that surrounded the spire of energy. Now that he was closer, he could see the souls of ancient humans and other beings floating around it.

At the top stood a figure, their robes flowing in the wind along with sound of chains. The figure turned to reveal a green flaming skeleton, wielding a chained sickle in one hand, and a lantern in the other. This was the being he was here for.

???: "So you finally showed, I expected someone much older. The soul is more tasty that way"

Y/n: "Sorry to disappoint you. I may already know you but, care to humor me?"

???: "Very well boy. I am the chain warden, devourer of souls. My name is Thresh. And pray tell, who are you?"

He thought about it, it was the same question Gaia had asked him oh so long ago and he still never came to a conclusion. He looked up at Thresh to give his answer.

Y/n: "So far, I'm still figuring that out"

Thresh: "A man trying to find his place in the world. A foolish journey you have undertaken. Alas, it ends here, with your soul being my next addition"

The chain warden brandished his Sickle as he glided at high speed towards the boy, who let a smirk overcome his lips. His arms and legs becoming covered in void energy as he got into a stance.

Y/n: "If you wan't it, come and get it"

Once Thresh got close enough, he swung his sickle down on the boy who used his left arm to guard the strike, causing a shockwave which sent the surround rain and debris to fly away from them.

Y/n sent an uppercut to his chin which staggered him. Using that moment to spin on his heel and round house kick him into a pillar.

He summoned the spectral scissors into his hands, twirling them around before jabbing the blades into the ground, creating a purple field around him. Just as he did, the sickle came flying before it phased through him.

Thresh: "Using petty tricks to escape death. You won't survive long"

Y/n: "Really? I seem to be doing rather well so far"

Runeterra's Desolation (LoL x M/Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя