Desolation 22

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Y/n had been walking around the streets of Zaun, scanning his eyes over the people that he walked past from under his mask.

Thanks to the information Vander had given him, he was also searching for a marker of sorts, one which he didn't know of. The boy let out a sigh as he stopped walking for a moment.

Y/n: 'Wandering aimlessly will get me nowhere, and I can't believe I forgot about the search ability'

He cursed himself for even forgetting about that fact. He focused on the energy as a green mist trail showed itself. He then began to follow it.

However, as soon as he got close to a large market district, the mist began to diverge into many different directions, one even pointed towards him which had him even more confused.

Before he could figure out what was going on, he felt a splitting headache as he grunted in pain, placing his hands on his temples. His ear were ringing with static and his vision was starting to turn into an orange blur.

Y/n: 'Fuck! What the hell is going on?!'

He fell to his knees as the headache became more intense as he was hearing an array of echoed voices in his head. He shut his eyes and did his best to endure it.

When he shot his eyes open, everything had stopped, leaving him in heavy breaths and sweat dripping down his forehead. He looked around and noticed he was no longer in the city.

Instead, he was in a massive cavern with pipes moving from the wherever the ceiling was and into the floor. He followed them to see they were all converging inside a massive hole at the bottom of the cavern, which had an ominous green glow.

He quickly took the mask off and ditched the cloak as he sat down to catch his breath. He rubbed the back of his head as he still felt the after effects of whatever had happened.

Y/n: "Seems like I didn't need to do much, but damn it that hurt like hell"

He took in one deep breath before he stood up and walked over to the ledge and hopped off. He then summoned video wings from his back as he glided towards the opening, descending into it.

He went down for a while until he slowed down to a slow fall, feeling his feet hit the ground, or one of the pipes. The wings dissapeared as he began the slow walk down the dimly lit tunnel.

He formed a ball of light in his hand to let himself see easier. The tunnel was completely comprised of the pipes and tubes that went further in, with a green glow at the end of the tunnel.

When he reached the end of the tunnel, he was met with a large pool of green liquid. Wires hung from the ceiling and tubes were down inside the liquid.

Y/n: "I have to say, Its not half bad. Kinda has an industrial feel to it"

???: "Thank you, it was where I was born after all"

The feminine voice reached his ears as he looked towards the centre of the pool, seeing the ripples form as something begins to rise from it.

The figure that emerged had a full cybernetic like body which had four arms, her hair was styled like dreadlocks, four horns that also framed the white faceplate, and four sharp glowing orange eyes.

The figure that emerged had a full cybernetic like body which had four arms, her hair was styled like dreadlocks, four horns that also framed the white faceplate, and four sharp glowing orange eyes

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Runeterra's Desolation (LoL x M/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now