Desolation 21

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(Before we begin the chapter, I would just like to say that I am very thankful for all of you who took the times out of your days to read my story. Also a shout out to LordGhostTurkey for he was the man responsible for giving me the inspiration for this story, for that I thank you. Check out his books too, they are amazing. Now then, on with the chapter)

The sun was beginning to set over Piltover as Y/n, Caitlyn, and Vi were in a boat heading for the largest prison that housed many individuals. Stillwater prison.

Y/n: "So this is where you send all the criminals you guys catch?"

Caitlyn: "That's right. It has sections for this without abilities, and those that do have them. Those with abilities are placed in the lower levels"

Vi: "Would you believe me if I told you I was once an inmate here?"

Y/n: "You were? I guess I can see it now that I think about it"

Vi: "At least that saves me the trouble"

The trio soon docked at the prison before leaving the boat. Caitlyn and Vi lead Y/n up the large steps until they were met with some pretty big doors, along with smaller ones around their height.

Y/n could tell why they had bigger ones, some inmates were probably well over average or near titanic heights. They made their way inside the lobby area, which was quite dark with only red candles lighting everything up.

The three of them walked up to a very large desk. Behind it was a behemoth of a man as he caught sight of them from the corner of his eye.

Behemoth: "Chief? To what do I owe the pleasure of your attendance today?"

Caitlyn: "We are here to question one of the inmates we brought in a few months ago, goes by the name of Holden?"

Behemoth: "Inmate 5486? Very well, sub section 3-C8"

Caitlyn: "Thank you, and good day"

Behemoth: "Same to you"

The three of them went towards one of the elevators before Caitlyn pressed a button, having the doors close and heading downwards. The ride down was pretty quiet for the most part.

Once the elevator stopped and the doors opened up, the trio began walking down the corridor. Y/n took a look to each and every cell they passed by. Some inmates did nothing, while others were using their powers to try and escape, only for them to deactivate temporarily with each attempt.

Y/n: "What's with the Cells?"

Vi: "Powered individuals down here are placed in cells called 'Adaptive cells'. Apparently, depending on what type of power you have, the cell will take countermeasures to prevent escape"

Y/n: "I wonder what would happen if I were to be placed in one"

Caitlyn: "I have no doubt you'd escape in at least five minutes, but I'd rather not have you in here as an inmate. Your mother would probably kill me for that"

Y/n: "I'll take your word for it" 'Mom would get a laugh out of that'

As they continued down the corridor, they stopped at one cell with its inmate sitting against the wall. Said inmate looked over to the three before speaking.

Holden: "What, come to try and get more information out of me?"

Y/n: "You could say that. How's your neck by the way?"

Upon hearing Y/n answer, Holden shot up as he looked to the boy in fear, backing up to the far end of his cell.


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