Desolation 18

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The swirling Violet gate had opened up in a new land. Both Y/n and Bind stepped out of it before it closed behind them.

They had reached the Void, or more accurately, its surface area. Covered in nothing but a vast land of grey sand, and a pitch black sky, despite the amount  they could see.

Y/n: "I may have been here through a vision but, its a little underwhelming"

Bind: "That would be because we are on the surface and not in the caverns. Its a lot more deadly down there"

Y/n: "I'll take your word for it. Guessing the rebellion is on the surface?"

Bind: "Yep, considering where we landed, if we head east we should reach a mountain range within a day or two. Tred carefully as well"

The two began their journey east through the barren wasteland. Having not encountered anything in the past hour had worried the boy slightly. Nonetheless, they carried on.

Meanwhile down below in the caverns, Phantasm was observing the many massive creatures he was watching over. Watching the stronger creatures kill off and eat the weaker bunch.

The floating gas cloud hummed in thought as he remembered back to the report Archvile had made. After that meeting, he had been making sure the creatures were primed and ready for battle while also doing some personal experiments.

Phantasm: 'So that brat is gonna make his way here soon huh? Just our luck. They aren't ready and my body is barely finished'

He looked around the massive cavern, only to see one of his creatures slithering away from its group. It started to scale the wall with difficulty until it was out of sight. He was very much puzzled by this.

Phantasm: "Now where are you going?"

He decided to follow it as it continued its climb towards the surface. He wasn't sure why it was doing this.

Phantasm: "Your species only does this when danger in near, so why are you- unless your going after it. Good boy"

It had roughly been a few hours since they had arrived. They decided to stop and take a break. Y/n had laid down on the sand as he stared at the pitch black sky.

He also took his time to see the void spires that came out from cavern entrance that dissapeared once it reached the sky, noting that a few entrances were close by.

Bind was keeping a look out for anything that could appear. Nothing out of the ordinary for the surface, but it was still dangerous regardless.

Y/n: "Hey Bind, what are those spires anyway?"

Bind: "Hm? The void spires? They come from the Voids core. Its all just energy being expelled throughout the caverns until it reaches the surface before disappearing into the sky. No idea where it goes though"

Y/n: "Does make one wonder what's beyond the blackness of the sky. Have you guys ever tried to go up there?"

Bind: "We did try it as an experiment once. We never made it that far since we didn't have the resources necessary to get up there"

Y/n: "I'm sure one day we can figure it out. Alright, break time is over, lets keep going. Hm?"

Y/n stood up and was about to continue walking until he spotted something not to far from them. They both walked over to it and got a closer look.

Y/n: "Scorpions? And is that one so massive?"

The scorpions in question had a blue color to them. Their stingers had sharp spikes at the end with the long blade of its stinger. Their were some smaller ones that roughly the size of a large dog. The big on was easily bigger than the two as it stared at them with its six glowing eyes.

Runeterra's Desolation (LoL x M/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now