Desolation 9

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Evelyn POV

The match had already started and he already manages to break something, mainly the building he crashed through. I look to Sera and Gwen to see shocked and worried faces. I already knew he would be fine, seeing him shrugging off the initial damage he took after impact proved it.

I saw he was swinging his leg which tells he did injure himself, though I could tell that healing of his was fast at work. Seems like I won't have to worry to much about him getting knocked out in the beginning. 

I look to the others to see who they were watching. Looks like Ahri, Sera, and Gwen were all watching Y/n. Akali was watching any person that was moderately or very powerful people, no doubt wanting to see if she could beat them. Then there was Kai'sa, she was also looking at everyone. Some of the screens disappeared due to some of competitors forming groups. Kind of reminds me of the hunger games a little. 

I turn back to Y/n's screen and I saw him showing off his Improvisation by doing test swings with a metal shaft. I couldn't help but giggle at the remarks Sera and Gwen made. I watched him run with incredible speed into the forest. However, I noticed his energy spiking rapidly, and he seemed to have taken notice when he stopped in confusion. Knowing this, I am reminded of what we talked about that day.

Flashback a few days ago

I was wandering around with a shopping cart in hand. Bookie had asked me to buy some groceries since she was at the studio helping Sera with dance practice. I had also told Gumhiho to take a bath before I got home, and Akali to make sure she did. 

As I was walking down one isle, I saw a very familiar handsome man doing some shopping of his own. He was looking at the shelf in thought, though I think I found my own item to snag. Because I have to say, he is packing some sweet cake that its becoming very tempting to grab a handful~

I made my way towards him. he probably heard the cart so he moved forward to give room to pass by, but that made it easier for my little surprise. I walked behind him and gave a quick smack to the ass.

Y/n: "Gah! What was that- Eve?!" 

He yelped and turned to face with his cheeks flushed a bright red. When he saw me he also displayed confusion. I just couldn't help but lightly laugh at  his reaction.

Evelyn: "A girl gets tempted when she sees an opportunity"

Y/n: "Could have at least warned me first"

Evelyn: "Now where's the fun in that love?"

I could see the gears turning in his head until he gave up. Having him around is a little relaxing, gives me someone to tease. He suggested to help me out with my shopping since he wasn't here for many things. 

Once I had paid for everything, we brought the cart out toward the vehicle I drove in to get here. It was a twilight purple BMW i8. We use this when we do runs like these, or when we go for long drives when we have a break from work.

Y/n helped load all the bags into the car. Now was probably gonna be my only chance to ask with none of the others around. I just really hope I am wrong about this.

Evelyn: "Y/n, why do you possess void energy?"

I asked in a serious manner, though it sounded like I was demanding him to tell me. He stopped moving for a moment, I at least caught you red handed with that reaction. He turned around while rubbing the back of his. He look like he just came to realization.

Y/n: "So that's what it is huh? I couldn't even tell the difference. You must be thinking I'm one of them, aren't you?"

I was caught off guard from his response. He sounded scared but I knew he wasn't trying to freak out about it. What bothers me is that he stated he 'couldn't tell the difference'. Does that mean he didn't know he had void energy?

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