Desolation 5

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3rd POV

It had only been a minute since Y/n left the penthouse. Seraphine and Akali were interrogating Ahri in a sense. While those three were doing that, Evelyn and Kai'sa were in the kitchen cleaning up the rest of the dishes while conversing with each other.

Kai'sa: "Eve, you felt it from him as well right?"

Evelyn: "I did Bokkie, and knowing Sera is around him concerns me. I know he is a good guy from what she told us but"

Kai'sa: "He could end up being dangerous to everyone if nothing is done"

Evelyn: "Yeah. Though, I don't want to upset Sera so lets keep what we experienced between us, ok?"

Kai'sa: "As much as I hate keeping secrets, you make a good point"

Evelynn gave her a comforting rub on the back as they finished. They then went back to the other three as they were now sitting on the couch watching whatever was on. A knock was heard by the elevator shortly after, and there stood Reggie. Sera was the first to speak up out of the confused bunch. 

Seraphine: "Reggie? What are you doing here?"

Reggie: "Ladies. Hope I'm not intruding but I need to ask you all a few questions about a recent case"

Evelyn was quick to figure it out. The feeling she got from Y/n, and Reggie's timing was no mere coincidence. She gave a nod to the officer as a gesture to continue.

Reggie: "Thank you. Now then, have any of you experienced anything unusual this past week? More specifically, any energy spikes?"

Everyone but Evelyn and Kai'sa were confused, They hadn't experienced anything like that. Since no one answer, Evelyn was the one to speak up.

Evelyn: "No officer, I don't believe we have. What's this all about?"

Reggie: "All I can say is that energy spikes have been appearing every now and then. The newest one being here"

Evelyn's eyes narrowed dangerously as she folded her arms. If she wasn't sure of it before, she was now. 

Evelyn: 'Seems I was right, Y/n has something to do with this. I'll have to ask him about it when I get the chance too' "If it appeared here, Either one of us would of have sensed it" 

Reggie: "I see. Well, I won't keep you all any further. Enjoy the rest of your day"

With that said, he left the penthouse. Confusion still lingered on the three who were still on the couch. Sera turned to the others with a little bit of a worried expression.

Seraphine: "What do you girls make of this?"

Akali: "I don't think we should be all too worried about it. Besides the cops at PPD know what their doing"

Ahri: "How about we get back to movie night to get our minds off it?"

Akali: "Sounds good to me!"

Akali jumped off the couch before rushing to Ahri's room too where they were previously. Kai'sa and Ahri followed suite, Only Sera and Evelyn were in the living room now. Evelyn had a downcast look which got Sera curious.

Seraphine: "Eve? You ok?"

Evelyn: "Hm? Yes I am alright darling. Come, we have a movie we need to finish before we get back to work tomorrow"

Sera smiled at her answer as they both entered the room as well. Meanwhile, Y/n and the hooded figure still stared at each other. The former not having said a word and the same could be said for the latter.

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