Desolation 6

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Its been almost a month since that day, and with the battle tournament only about a few weeks away, you can bet I'm gonna be there. I was currently sitting in magic logistics class with Mr. Ryze. He had us grouped up in pairs of two, my partner being Sera. 

Our assignment was to pick a magic attribute and wright as much as we can about it. Such as how it works, what it does, its strengths, weaknesses, ect. However, Sera was struggling quite a lot so I had to do the majority of the work.

Y/n; "You know you really should study when you aren't at work"

Seraphine: "That's easy for you to say, your able to do your schooling and music production at the same time"

I looked up from the large paper we had to see her pout. This earned a chuckle out of me as I tap her head with my pencil.

Y/n: "Something you should be taking note of. You guys are working on a new album right?"

Seraphine: "Yep. Though Taric said that we might wanna think about a color scheme change but, I like the current one"

Y/n: "However he does make a good point. As the saying goes, 'out with the old, in with the new' So maybe it is a good idea"

Seraphine: "I guess you right, but then what should we go with?"

I set my pencil down before really thinking about it. Their current scheme is varied between a mixture of dark colors. Maybe switching to something a little lighter could work, but what color would work?

While I was thinking, my vision started flashing as I heard a static like sound. Images began flashing in my head, and I gotta say it hurt like hell. These images contained a lot of blue and a few familiar people. When I came too, Sera was shaking my shoulder.

Y/n: "Hm? Did I space out again?"

Seraphine: "A little bit. You have been doing that quite often these past few weeks and it's a little worrisome"

Y/n: "My bad, I'll try to do it less often. As for a suggestion, how about blue?"

Seraphine: "Blue? That could work. Maybe if we leave the black accents in then it would look fantastic!"

I just shake my head as she goes on a rant, while I got back to work on our assignment. Speaking of blue things, I wonder if Ahri will help me out with a date plan for Gwen. I was thinking of attempting to ask her out after the tournament. 

I may be smart in some areas, but planning dates is not one of them. Oh for the love of Bastion what am I getting myself into?

Time shift

3rd POV

We return to the lake of the damned as the Lost one stood atop his pillar in the center, staring down at the crying souls that could no longer be saved. He looked up and stared at an artificial moon that lit up the area, as it whispers nothing short of incoherent nonsense.  

It then turned to look to the edge of the lake to see Archvile, standing there and staring at the Lost One from where he stood. Fiery orange locked onto abyssal purple. The lost one held a hand over his glowing cross like eye before speaking clearly.

Lost One: "...Arch...vile..."

The Archvile felt a chill run down his spine. He knew that if he attacked, he wouldn't be able to hold out for long. The Archvile, not wanting a quick ending, chose to leave the lake before anything drastic happened. 

Meanwhile, Vergil had been watching the two from a high vantage point. He watched the Lost One closely, as he never trusted him ever since he had arrived. He soon left as well to attend to his own duties.

Runeterra's Desolation (LoL x M/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now