Desolation 26

381 7 1

Bind: "Y/n....You better not be thinking of something insane again"

Y/n: "When have I not been so far?"

Y/n, Bind, and Soul were still within the lab. The lantern cased within a chamber which was used to reconfigure its primary function.

Y/n: "Soul, run your ability by me again?"

Soul: "I'm definently gonna regret this. I take the data of a persons soul, after that I can alter various pieces of the said data. However, this also leaves the subject unconscious until I return it. Why?"

Y/n: "Take my soul out and keep it safe. If I'm right about this, I should be able to access the abyss in a spiritual manner"

Bind: "It could also get yourself killed! You do realize that we are trying to keep you alive throughout this whole ordeal right?"

Soul: "He's right Y/n, we aren't gonna let you get yourself killed. We will find a way to get you into the abyss that doesn't involve your death"

Y/n wanted to say something, but the words never left his mouth. In fact, he stood their for a few moments in silence as the two began to leave. However, Y/n suddenly grabbed Soul by the wrist.

Soul: "Hey, what are you-?"

Y/n?: "If you won't get him their yourselves, we will do it instead by any means necessary"

Suddenly, energy began flowing from soul into Y/n as he began to struggle. Y/n? Quickly swept his feet from under him as he pinned him to the floor, holding both of his wrists as his energy drained faster.

Bind: "Y/n! What the hell do you think your doing?!"

Bind quickly took action and placed Y/n? in a head lock, attempting to pull him off of Soul. This didm't last as Y/n? quickly bashed the back of head into Bind, loosening his grip as the boy flung him over his shoulder and into a counter before standing up.

The boy rolled his shoulders before he too the lantern out from the casing. He looked to the two as they slowly recovered from the small scuffle.

Y/n?: "We are only doing what is best for him, either stay out of the way or die"

With that, Y/n opened up a gate before stepping through it. The two were about to follow to try and stop him before it closed. Bind slammed his fist into the floor.

Bind: "Damnit!"

Soul: "This isn't good.. At this rate, he might do something he's gonna regret"

Bind: "We gotta warn the commander ASAP!"

Meanwhile, on the surface of the void near one of the cavernous openings, Y/n emerged from his gate. His left arm moved on its own as he socked himself in the face.

Y/n: "Just what the hell do you all think your doing?!"

???: "Speeding up your plan, you dunce"

Y/n quickly went into his mind scape to be met with all the silhouettes of the abilities he has obtained. The one that spoke was a mixture of smoke, Neon, video, and what looked like concrete. One that was dubbed conduit.

Conduit: "Ever since you stated your plan we have grown restless, and impatient"

Y/n: "I may want to get rid of the void as much as the last person, but I have also been considering the many consequences that could follow if this succeeds"

Conduit: "The consequences shouldn't matter if it means getting rid of a common enemy!"


Runeterra's Desolation (LoL x M/Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя