Desolation 12

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The arena fell mildly silent as everyone watched the other battles taking place, none of them as majorly intense as the one they witnessed not to long ago. Fiora and Ryze stared on in amazement at their students display of strength and power. As for Regnar, well.

Regnar: "EXCELLENT WORK Y/N! HAHA! I told you both you had nothing to worry about!"

He had been cheering the boy on ever since the fight stared. The Beastman look to his fellow teachers as he had just proved them wrong.

Fiora: "I guess we didn't need to worry all to much"

Ryze: "It would appear so"

Rengar finally sat back down in his seat as they continued to watch the rest of tournament. Ryze kept his eyes on Y/n, seeing the boy sit under a tree to catch his breath. He then noticed something that began to worry him more. It wasn't Y/n or anything in the arena, but a clocked figure that stood at the far end of the stadium. The two locked eyes for a moment before the figure walked off and dissapeared out of sight.

Ryze: 'That is all kinds of bad news. I fear that you painted the biggest target on your back young L/n'

Back with Y/n, he sat under a tree with his scythe next to him and his blackened arm on lap. He stared at his arm for a moment as he watched his H-factor do it job, his arm slowly reverting to normal.

Y/n: "We're gonna have to fight stronger opponents later down the line won't we?"

Bind: 'Yeah, and with your current power status, you could defeat lower and mid level demons and void beasts with ease"

Y/n: "Which means I need to get stronger. How do you propose we go about it?"

Bind: 'Thanks to the boost I'm giving you, your able to store the knowledge of whatever power you see, and use it whenever you wish. So one way to do it, would be to fight as many people as possible and gain the strongest of powers'

Y/n: "If I don't end up dead in the process. Remember, Kayn pretty much severed my arm. So I will need to be extremely cautious"

Bind: 'You should also train physically as well, it can come in handy later down the line'

Y/n: "Yep, just takes time to-"

Bind: 'Hm? What is it?'

Y/n had stopped mid sentence as he had just come to a realization of something.

Y/n: "What if I look back at the visions?"

Bind: 'What do you mean?'

Y/n: "You said that your commander was able to see into the future and then pass what she sees unto others as visions right?"

Bind: 'Yeah? Where are you going this?'

Y/n: "Let me try something"

He crossed his legs and clasped his hands to hands together, getting into a meditation position as he closed his eyes. Ryze looked at the boy curiously, wondering what he could be doing. The boy searched for one the visions he had, and promptly fell over on his side, quickly worrying quite a few.


I guess it worked. I had focused and tried to find one of them, to which I was bombarded by flashes before I was blasted onto my back. But, my back was against a tree, did I smash through it?

I opened my eyes to see that the sky had changed from night to a sea green color. I slowly sat up with a groan to see the ground was stone like and had desecrated buildings scattering everywhere. If it wasn't the landscape that told me where I was, then the deathly energy surely did.

Runeterra's Desolation (LoL x M/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now