Desolation 28

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The day has come for the war to finally begin. Armies on both sides were beginning to make their moves. Runeterra's armies were moving in on Shurima.

Choishīnsei was leading the army alongside Admiral Frost. Foot soldiers wielding firearms, and military vehicles armed to the teeth.

They stopped outside one of the city gates, bodies littered the path, both demon, and human.

Frost: "Its worst than we imagined. And the gates as menacing as always"

Taking a look up at the massive sphere that floated over the city. There was a massive void gate embedded into it, its opening swirling with a purple vortex.

Upon closer inspection, there were hell bats, Cacodemons, and many other avian creatures seemingly guarding the massive gate.

Choishīnsei: "Alright, listen up everyone! Our first priority is to kill any and all void beasts and demons we find in city. After that, we have to destroy the gate as fast as possible!

Soldiers: "YES SIR!"

A slight rumbling caught their attention. Turning to the city, they saw a hoard of demons and void beasts, charging at them in a blood filled rage.

Frost: "All units, open fire!"

Upon Frost's orders, all the rifleman charged forward, guns raised as they let loose a rain of energy bullets that were tearing through the less durable demons.

Kayn: "Back me up Ezreal!"

Ezreal: "You got it!"

Kayn dove into the frey as Ezreal fired arrow after arrow at any demons and void beasts that got in Kayn's way. Kayn was running through the hell rain of bullets, using Rhaast to hack and slash through the hoard. Clearing a path for everyone.

Many soldiers began dashing into the city, splitting off in large groups to take on the enemy. Kayn was making his way towards the centre with Ezreal and Katarina hot on his tail as he blazed through.

They stopped when they spotted a very large ant like demon, feasting on a few bodies as its blood sack was glowing red from all the blood it drank.

It soon turned around as it spotted the three of them, letting out a blood curdling screech as its blade appendages slammed into the ground.

Ezreal: "Got any idea what that thing is?"

Katarina: "Its an Empusa Queen. I did a study on it in Regnar's hunter basics class"

Kayn: "Don't know why he would consider it basic, but i know its head will look great on my wall"

Rhaast: "Let me have a go at it, I havn't fought  one of these things in ages"

Kayn grew a wicked smile as red energy engulfed him till Rhaast stood in his place. Everyone brandishing their weapons while Empusa queen rushes them.

It raised its sickle like blade and took a swung at Rhaast, who blocked it with his scythe, feeling his feet dig into the ground from the force.

Katarina took that moment to rush up its arm before jumping, performing a wind wheel slash along its back. Eazreal empowered his arrows and shot it at its face.

The massive demon recoiled from the attacks. Rhaast pushed its blade back before stricking at its underbelly. This didn't bode well as it quickly jumped into the air despite its size. It then came crashing down unto the dark kin.

Katarina dove in and tackled the dark kin out of the way from the body slam. The demon had created a smoke cloud upon hitting the ground, giving them time to recover.

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