Desolation 11

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Kayn looked on towards the H/c haired teen, the moonlight being the only form of light. The boy was completely confused at what he said.

Kayn: "What do you mean? You saying you have another trick up your sleeve?"

Y/n said nothing as a grin slowly formed on his face. Kayn quickly unearthed Rhaast as he charged with a battle cry. The teen vanished as he teleported away from the line of the initial attack.

Y/n: "Could have at least waited till I was ready. But without further ado "

He released every bit of aura as a pulse wave caused Kayn too take an involuntary step back. The pressure from the void based aura increasing overtime. Y/n held his hand out as the energy began to converge at his palm. The energy formed a handle as he grabbed hold of it. Quickly spinning it around before he held it over his shoulder, as it took the form of a very familiar scythe.

Kayn's eyes widen shock as he knew what the boy was now holding. It was Rhaast, but not Rhaast at the same time. The scythe held much more power than the boys own. Kayn looked to Rhaast to see the blade, visibly shaking.

Kayn: "Pull yourself together Rhaast!"

Rhaast: 'You expect me to be calm when this monster is in front of us?'

Y/n: "Both of you quit your yabbering and get your heads in the game!"

Y/n appeared as he swung his weapon down on his opponent. The assassin blocked the strike, the tip of the blade inches away from his face as he skidded back a few feet. The two clashed in a blur or blue and purple around their field of battle. sparks were flying with each hit.

They took one more swing at each other as the two scythes went flying into the air from the force. Y/n took action and sent a right hook to Kayn's face. The boy stumbled back from the hit, retaliating with a flurry of jabs and kicks. The crowed was going nuts as they began a fist fight. 

Evelyn watched on with a smile plastered on her face. Kai'sa continued to watch on in silence. As for Ahri, Akali, Seraphine, and Gwen? They set all their questions aside and cheered on with the crowed. Though, there were a few people in the crowed that were worried of what would happen if this fight continued. 

Meanwhile, in the city area a few minutes prior, Delsin, Fetch, and Eugene were looking at a large piece of paper with a stylized art sketch on it, a few spray cans next to them.

Fetch: "Yo D. You sure we should even be doing this?"

Eugene: "Yeah, we are in a tournament, I don't think they would allow us to do this"

Delsin: "Lighten up you two. Look, we already took out anyone that got near this area of the field, what's the harm in getting some art done?"

Fetch: "Haa! Fine, guess it wouldn't hurt"

They both turned to Eugene who just slumped his shoulders, reluctantly agreeing with his two friends. They had gotten to work on their art piece on a nearby wall. After a few minutes, they felt an energy that sent them on high alert. They each used their abilities to scale the tallest building near them and looked out into the distance, seeing one area that was completely in ruins.

Eugene: "How the hell did the void manage to get here?"

Delsin: "Good question. Think you can send a scout to check it out?"

Eugene gives a confirming nod before summoning one of his video angels. The angel quickly flew to the designated location.

The Video user then projects a screen that showed what the angel was seeing. There they saw that fight that was ensuing, all three of them displaying surprise and disbelief.

Runeterra's Desolation (LoL x M/Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें