Desolation 14

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Seems like I was pulled into another vision in my sleep, only this time it wasn't the shadow Isle. It was all grey and barren, littered with skeletal remains that varied in size. Looking up revealed that the sky was also pitch black.

Y/n: "This doesn't look like any place I have been to before"

I look around the barren lands for a moment, not exactly spotting anything of interest at first. And then I spotted something in the distance, more accurately, individuals all wearing cloaks.

I knew this was just a vision but it never hurt to get a closer look. I made my way over to them and watched them as they were harvesting the bones of the skeletons.

Y/n: "What could they need so many bones for anyway?"

I watched as one of the cloaked figures chipped the bone away. That was until they looked up, and stared directly into my eyes with a look of horror. Mine widening out of surprise.

Y/n: 'Can he, see me?'

???: "Crap! Everyone pack up and run for the portal! They found us!"

I was very confused until the person I was in front of sent a haymaker that left me dazed for a moment. I regained myself before seeing the others run for a portal.

Y/n: "H-Hey! Wait!"

I started dashing towards them as they fled into the portal. I was just in arms reach until it closed on me, to which I stumbled before looking back to where it was before.

Y/n: "I'm starting to think these are more than simple visions"

The world around me had began to brighten as it encompassed my vision, guess this meant I was waking up. To which I was right. Opening my eyes, I could see that I was still in my living room on the couch. I looked down to see Gwen was resting peacefully on top of me.

I felt a smile reach my lips as I watched her rest. I looked to my right arm which rested on her back, still bandaged but I was starting to regain feeling in it again. I looked over towards a clock hanging up on the wall to see it was around 6am. I won't wake her, she deserves the rest after making her worry so much.

I just decided to stay awake at this point as I watched the beautiful woman sleep. I had to admit she looked really adorable in her sleep. I lightly brushed her hair with the tips of my fingers. She stirred in her sleep as she smiled whilst humming happily.

I continued with this action until she stirred awake, releasing a cute yawn before shifting herself so her head rested in the crook of my neck.

Gwen: "Morning"

She whispered out, I could hear the tiredness in her voice. I kept my voice down so I didn't hurt her ears this early in the morning.

Y/n: "I take it you slept well?"

She hummed whilst nodding her head. She then grew a little embarrassed when we both heard a soft growling sound. I chuckled softly before slowly sitting up, as Gwen still rested against me while she was on my lap.

Y/n: "I see someone is also hungry, I'll go make breakfast for us and then we can head out"

Gwen: "Okie"

She reluctantly got off my lap so I could stand up from the couch. She ended up laying back down since she was still tired. I made my way to the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast for the two of us.

Y/n: 'How many bases did we just skip by sleeping together before going on a date?'

Bind: 'I would guess your jumping from one base to another in a random order. I wouldn't exactly know since I never dated anyone before'

Runeterra's Desolation (LoL x M/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now