Desolation 17

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Archvile POV

The fiery portal opened up inside the castle that resided inside the void. I stumbled out before falling to my knees while clutching my shattered and bleeding chest.

I underestimated the boy and the devil hunter. However, they are nothing compared to him in terms of raw brutal fear.

I heard the sounds of wind and hushed echos. I looked up to see Phantasm floating over me, and I can tell he was less then pleased.

Phantasm: "I see you failed to retrieve the target, and the fact that you took a nasty hit proves it"

Archvile: "Can it you gas cloud, I was outnumbered by a reborn and the devil hunter. I'm lucky I got out alive"

I slowly stood up as the bleeding had finally stopped. I took a deep and ragged breath before walking past the floating cloud that irritated me.

Phantasm: "You shouldn't speak to your superiors that way. Besides, Vel'koz won't be happy about the news"

Archviles: "It won't mater in the end anyway. The boy will be coming to us even if we go after him or not"

I can tell that left him confused. I took that chance to leave before he asked further. Mark my words boy, I will bring you in, even if it kills me.

3rd POV

Y/n had teleported himself to the penthouse, which was pretty much dark at this point thanks to the power outage. He made his way up using the stairs until he reached K/DA's room before knocking.

Y/n: "Girls, its me! You in there?"

He didn't get a response so he tried to open the door, thankfully it was unlocked. He stepped inside and saw a few candles were lit to light up portions of the rooms.

He looked around but couldn't seem to find where they were. He chalked it up to them either going out or were most likely hiding.

He made his way to the couch and slowly sat down on it so he didn't miss it. He decided he would take that nap until they made themselves known. So he laid down with one arm behind his head, and the other draped over his stomach, and shut his eyes as he let sleep overtake him.

After around half an hour, he felt something soft against his neck. He reached up and gently placed his hand on it. The feeling of soft fur reached him and he immediately knew it was Ahri in her fox form.

He felt her stir in her sleep as he lightly stroked her soft fur, feeling one of her tails pat against his cheek as it waged in her sleep.

Gwen: "I see she stole my spot"

He looked up to see an upside down Gwen looking down at him with a soft smile on her face. He smiled back before using his free hand to lower her head so he could give her a loving kiss.

Y/n: "I'm sure she can make room if you ask....I'm sorry if I worried you"

Gwen: "Apology accepted. However  please just tell me instead of me trying to ask the girls"

Y/n: "I will be sure to do that. Are the others here?"

Gwen: "Yeah, they're in the kitchen at the moment"

Y/n: "Can you bring them here?"

She nodded before they shared a short love filled kiss. Gwen then went to the kitchen to grab the others while Y/n gently woke Ahri from her short lived nap. Once everybody was there, he gave them the details of what happened.

Seraphine: "So many lives could have been saved if we had known sooner.."

Evelynn: "What's done is done Sera, not even we could change that. Still, to think they would want to capture you is a little puzzling"

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