Desolation 2

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3rd POV

The Void. A place where beings hell bent on destruction reside. The realm was that of a desolated landscape with streams of void energy flowing from various large craters in the ground, which lead into the fleshy, maze like cavern where the voidlings were born. 

the deeper one goes, the more horrifying everything becomes. near the top are where the smaller creatures reside. The middle stratum is where bigger and more beast like creature thrive. The lower and largest cavernous system is where the titans live, beings of immeasurable sizes and destructive power. Lastly, the Core. A vast castle at the very center of the void. the streams of void energy were flowing out of its walls and throughout the void. 

wandering through the dark and dimly lit halls of the castle, a dark humanoid figure was aimlessly walking. They wore black boots with purple glowing orbs that were housed in a gold trimmed socket, the orbs radiating with high concentrations of void energy. Similarly, they had black clawed gauntlets with the same orbs and gold trimmed sockets, along with a blade that reached from their elbows to their shoulders. a diamond shaped gem imbedded into their chest, along with purple cracks that stretched from it. They had a pair of horns jutting from the side of their head as their eyes glowed a violent purple, a scar that glowed similarly along their right eye. 

They began to walk down a flight of stairs soon afterwards, leading them into the catacombs beneath the castle, with the only source of light being the purple glow from them and the void streams that traveled deeper into the darkness. They followed the path of the void streams, making it's way deeper with every twist and turn. 

They soon reached a large room to which all the void streams stemmed from, which was the heart of the void itself. A massive sphere of void energy that that held destructive potential. The figure got on one knee as they bowed to the heart in pure, blissful silence.

the silence was broken when another pair of foot steps approached from the same corridor they came from. out of the shadows came a demonic creature that stood much taller than them. the demon had bone like armor, and fiery red eyes. this particular demon was known as an Archvile.

The Archvile stood as it watched the figure bow before the heart, waiting for them to finish. once they did, they turned their head so the glowing scarred eye was visible, acknowledging the Archvile's presence.

Archvile: "Thought I'd find you here, lost one"

The now named Lost One fully turned to face the Archvile. staying dead silent as it waited for the Archvile to continue.

Archvile: "You were supposed to be at the conference half an hour ago, be lucky the others are being patient with you for doing this often. it still baffles me why you always seem to come here"

The demon looked to the heart for a few seconds before back to the Lost One, who had not spoken and the Archvile knew why. It's eyes narrowed as it began walking towards them.

Archvile: "Please, don't make me use force again. I don't wanna bring you in half conscious another time. They almost had my head the last time"

The Lost One looked to the Archvile's outstretched hand for a moment, before making eye contact with the demon. its vision continuing to switch between the two. Before the Archvile had a chance to react, it had been forced onto its back. Upon opening its eyes, it saw the Lost One had pinned it to the ground in a mere split second. They held the demons arm down and put pressure on both legs using one of their own. in a reverse grip in the Lost Ones right hand, a blade made out of void energy was held to the Archviles neck.

Lost One: "Good try"

The Lost One finally spoke. It's voice sounding like an electrical hum put through a synth wave. The Archvile let out an exasperated sigh before its arms became coated in flames.

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