Katie Strikes Back

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"Aww, don't worry... I take you so seriously," Natasha assured her, nodding her head with a ridiculous amount of mock sincerity, and Yelena narrowed her eyes a little. Natasha then poked her thumbs a bit against Yelena's cheeks, and Yelena started to open her mouth to warn the redhead against saying anything, but Natasha beat her to it.

"Squishy," Natasha declared with a way too wide grin that almost resembled the Cheshire cat in its magnitude, and Yelena just scoffed unhappily.

"I am not squishy!" Yelena protested strongly, her lips forming a pout as her cheeks puffed a little with the huff of air she released. Natasha seemed to visibly melt even more at the sight of her, and she moved forward, rubbing her nose against Yelena's.

"You're only proving my point, sweet girl," Natasha told her, her eyes so filled with love and adoration that it almost made Yelena give up being quite so upset about the name.

"Hey, guys, what's up?" Kate's voice sounded off suddenly, and Yelena shifted her gaze to the side to spot the brunette approaching the back of the couch with a bowl of steaming macaroni and cheese in her hands. Yelena grumbled unhappily at the mere thought of what was going on that she definitely did not want Kate to be part of, forcing herself to conjure all of her strength to pull away from Natasha's intoxicatingly loving touches to her face.

Yelena looked over at Kate out of the corner of her eye, trying to gauge whether Kate had overheard anything that Natasha had said to her. The brunette somehow managed to avoid their detection, and Yelena was naturally somewhat cautious about how much Kate could have listened in on. Especially since Kate had a bad habit of listening in on things whether she meant to or not.

Kate seemed miraculously clueless, and Yelena let out a small breath of relief. However, her glare returned as Natasha looked back at the brunette fondly, her eyes lighting up with warmth. Kate just grinned back at her happily as she headed around the side of the couch, sitting down in the armchair not too far from the two as she took a tentative bite of her hot mac and cheese.

Kate had been increasingly growing closer with Natasha, and Yelena was not sure she was entirely happy with it. She was especially unhappy with the way that Natasha had seemed to take it upon herself to defend Kate almost always no matter if it was from Yelena or anyone else.

Yelena attributed it to Natasha's stupid hero complex that Yelena somehow frustratingly admired in some odd way.

"Oh, nothing much. Just saying that Yelena here is—"

"Don't you dare tell her anything," Yelena interrupted her immediately, her eyes flaming as she pointed at the redhead. Natasha just smirked widely, enjoying the situation far too much for her own good. Yelena kept her gaze on her stubbornly as Kate looked between the two uncertainly.

"Tell me what?" Kate questioned, a grin coming onto her face as she gazed at the women. Natasha shrugged, looking over at Yelena affectionately yet wickedly.

"Why don't you tell her, Squi— oof!" Natasha let out a grunt as Yelena quickly shoved her shoulder, pushing against her hard as she tried to shut her big sister up before Kate caught onto what was going on.

Kate was smirking far too widely, and Yelena was beginning to worry that the brunette knew more about this situation than she was choosing to let on. That thought honestly surprised Yelena considering the fact that Kate was generally never good at keeping up any sort of poker face.

"Poser here doesn't know what she's talking about," Yelena declared, keeping her gaze firmly on Natasha. Natasha laughed, that smug look still in her eyes as she looked at the blonde.

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