Cara (@8gtberry)

18 2 5

It definitely felt nice to have friends again, even if it was Oceans gossip crew. They were actually really nice, and invited her on a mani, pedi, sleepover. Cara sat next to Daffy after lunch, noticing her confused look. "Are you ok?" She asked. "Paisley is dating...Orson." Cara gave her a confused look. "Aren't you like...practically with Kyle?" She asked. Daffy snapped out of it. 

"What? I mean why does that matter? Its not like I-I like Orson." Cara gave her a skeptical glance. Ace slid into the chair beside her, looking at his books. His eyes were rimmed with red. "Are you ok?" Asked Cara. Ace didn't respond. "Hello? Anyone home?" He glared at her. "Jeez." She muttered. "Jeez, what do you mean Jeez? My sister and my mother left me for the Neverseen! The Neverseen!" Cara gawked. "Thats not the only thing you lost. Your manners?" She pointed out the window. "Oh! I found them!" He rolled his eyes. "Sorry your highness ." He said. 

"Quit flirting and pay attention." Sneered Laminae, from the row in front. Cara blushed red and turned her attention towards the screen. Ace seemed unaffected from the comment, which hurt a little. He probably didn't like her anyway. 

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