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This is the list of rarity:

Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary, Mythic. 

Also if you want to give someone another ability, you can. Just don't give someone too many!!!

Kenric and Oralie's daughter:

The Neverseen were secretly keeping Kenric at there base for information. When Marella was captured from the Neverseen she found Kenrics cell and they escaped together. Soon after Oralie and Kenric were reunited, Yuna was born. 

Abilities: Empath, Telepath, Polygot, Controller, and Sparknetic

Rareness:  Legendary

Personality: Kind, empathetic, heart of gold and Feisty

Pet: Alicorn. When Yuna first met the baby Alicorns, they couldn't keep away from her. So now she got too adopt the new youngest Alicorn, Moon. 

Availability: Owned by 8gtberry (The other twin lol)

Availability: Owned by 8gtberry (The other twin lol)

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Tam and Biana's daughters:

After knowing each other for awhile, Biana and Tam confess there affection for each other and Avery was born, named after Biana's brother Alvar. Biana believed he was dreadfully misunderstood and Biana's new close friend, Glimmer, also known as Alvars possible love interest, extremely appreciated it. They also had a daughter named Star, for her angelic nature and Ocean for her love of the water. 

Abilites: Shade

Rareness: Rare

Personality: Kind, bossy, and energetic  

Pet: Scraggly Murcat Biana found abandoned by the Neverseen hide out, when they saw the Murcat it was love at first sight, the little Murcat was silky black with little white spots in the shape of stars. 

Availability: Owned by @anorah33

Availability: Owned by @anorah33

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