Cara (@cherrycherry1027)

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darkness. Shadows. Whispers. they all surrounded me. My feelings whirled around me. Sadness. worried. angry. scared. afraid. Forget that. Where the heck was I? ~REWIND~ 1WEEK AGO I yawned. The sunlight shone on my face as I awoke from my sleep. 6 AM. Huh, I guess there's a first in everything. I slipped on my slippers and dragged myself downstairs. Nobody was awake of course. My whole family HATED getting up early. 

Except maybe the animals. I poured myself a glass of OJ (do elves have OJ??) and quickly gulped it down. I wince, my head hurt. For the 10th time this week. "Probably my abilities" I muttered as I looked around for something to do. Puzzles!! (do elves have puzzles??) I laid on the ground as I hummed quietly while matching the pieces together. The room went dark. DARK. "We meet again. Sophie Foster." A dark-creepy voice mustered out. "i-I'm not S-Sophie Foster. I-I'm h-her daughter, Cara Sencen." I squeaked out. "ah she married Keefe Sencen and had a daughter? Life goes on VERY quickly." The voice called out again. "She had 3.." I murmur. "Ah what will happen when she figures out her daughter's gone?"

The voice chuckled. My eyes widened. "Now, you have ten seconds to clean that.. THING up.: the voice said. The puzzle. I didn't move. "Ah, feisty aren't we?" He asked. Then I saw a logo. The NEVERSEEN. The man flicked out a pocketknife. "Clean. That. Up" he ordered. I froze. Then within a flash. Pain. Red. Blood, Knife. Blackness. He had took me. I secretly hoped the rest of my family were safe. Hoping that they would figure out the clue on the puzzle. The blood. I was wrong. 


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