Emmie (@Emmie_SkyHeart)

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I was heading to my Multispecies Studies class when I bumped into someone. (Wait, did I spell that right? Oop I just checked Unlocked and it's supposed to be Multispeciesial Studies but let's just go with it lol) "Oof!" all of the books in my arms went flying. "Oh, Sorry!" the guy I bumped into exclaimed. I started picking my stuff up, and the guy helped. "Thanks." I said as he handed me my books. I took a moment to look at him properly. Hmm. Dark hair, deep eyes, about a year or two older than me, and obviously a Level 3 with his amber uniform. Pretty cute. "My name's Neil (insert last name)." "Oh uh, I'm Emmie Vacker-Song." "Nice to meet you. So, uh... I'll see you around?" "Yeah... see you." I then ran off in the other direction, taking the long way to my session. Emmie Vacker-Song! What was that about? You're supposed to be bold and confident, not embarrassed and shy! What is up with you today? 

I was right in front of the classroom door when I realized. I had a few classes with the Level 3's, and Multispecies Studies was one of them. What if that guy- Neil- is in this class?! I stepped into the classroom, and sure enough, in one of the seats in the back was Neil. I quickly took a seat at the front, wishing I didn't stand out in my blue Level 2 uniform compared to all of the amber Level 3 uniforms. I used to love how I was younger yet equally smart, but now, all I wanted was to die in a hole of my own embarrassment. "Now, as you know, humans do not know we exist. They also have multiple leaders, capitals, and languages." I sighed. Didn't we learn this stuff last year? "They blah blah and their blah blah blah is blah..." I tuned out as Sir Cadwell started talking. My family and I always take trips to the Forbidden Cities, so I already knew this stuff. My mind bounced back to Neil. Wait, why am I thinking of him? Come on, Emmie! You just met him like, 5 minutes ago! I softly snapped my fingers, creating a tiny blue flame that danced around my hand.

"Miss Vacker-Song!" Sir Cadwell shouted, causing me to jump. "Since you clearly think you're too smart for this lesson, answer this question. What is the capital city of France?" "Paris." I replied immediately. "Y-yes, that's correct." he said, clearly surprised that I got it right. 

"But do try to pay attention next time. Moving on, blah blah blah." I sighed. Luckily, I got out of that mess. But then, the girl sitting beside me screamed. Everyone turned to her and saw that one of her books was on fire. Whoops. That might be where my flame went. The fire spread to her desk and the girl stood up and backed away. Just as it was about to reach another desk, I spread my arms out and then pulled them back, drawing the fire to me. I then brought it all to my palm and closed my fist, snuffing out the flames. When I looked at Sir Cadwell, his face was red with anger. "Uh... oops?" I mumbled. "Miss Vacker-Song, detention tomorrow!" he shouted. "Class is dismissed early." Everyone, including me, filed out of the class. "Hey." someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Neil. "Emmie, right? That was awesome! I've never seen any mentor so mad!" I smiled. "Then obviously you weren't there when I burned down Lady Galvin's classroom." It was near the end of the day, so study hall was next. Sir Cadwell did release us early, so we and our other classmates were the only ones there. "You're a brainiac, aren't you?" Neil asked all of a sudden. I shrugged. "Not really. School and studying have always just come easily for me." He nodded. We were both silent for a moment before I asked, "So how old are you?" "Fifteen. You?" "Thirteen." "Do you have any abilities?" "Pyrokinetic. What about you?" "Flasher and Empath." Round and round we went, asking each other questions until I heard Hydra call, "Emmie! Where are you?" "Over here!" She came to our table and sat down in front of me, out of breath. "Did you hear about Will and Ivy?"

"Oh yeah, they went to the formal together didn't they? I remember Avery telling me about how she set them up." "How did I not-" "SHHH!" everyone else in the room shushed her. "Sorry." Hydra apologized, lowering her voice. Soon, Will and Molly joined us, and the rest of study hall passed. ~Home~ "So... who was that guy?" Molly asked. "W-what guy?" I stuttered. She rolled her eyes. "Don't play dumb. You know, guy, black hair, Level 3, sitting next you." "Oh, that was just Neil." Will raised an eyebrow. "Neil?" "Yeah, he's in my Multispecies Class. So, Will, how are things going with Ivy?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "I- uh..." he turned bright pink and ran upstairs. "Will, get back here!" A/N: Hi! If there's anyone who wants their character to be Emmie's friend pls let me know! (She really needs friends but I have no idea who lol)

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