Caden (8gtberry)

23 2 4

"Why are you avoiding her?" I ask, sitting in the darkness with the moon washing over me. We got dismissed from school early today because of an attack on the school yesterday. "Don't you see! She's a pyrokinetic! And a mesmer!" He hisses. "I'm a pyrokinetic!" I shout. Aiden backs away and puts his hands up. "Are you scared of me?" My voice came out as a whisper. Aidens mask slipped for a second, and I could read guilt on his face. My rage built up like an inferno inside of me, pouring out of my hands before I can stop it. 

Fire lights the walls. I breath in and the flames grow higher and higher. Aiden stumbles back and grabs our foster mom and dad, pulling them towards the door. Smoke clogs the air as I push my way to the door. Aiden glances at me for a second before bolting out the door. He keeps the door unlocked for me but it lights fire. I stumble back and run to the window. Are crooked house overlooks a large body of water. I smack at the locked window until is smashes, cutting my palms and face. I slip through the window and belly flop into the water. Coughing and gasping I swim over to shore. I bolt over to my mom and dad and Aiden. "Hydra..." I manage to choke out. "What do you mean?" Asks Aiden. "Get her here." I say. 

A few minutes later Hydra runs down the gravel path towards my burning home. She wears a sweater over her nightgown and slippers, her hair loose across her face. She flushes when I stare and I quickly turn over to my home. "Back away." Says Hydra, her voice coming out stronger than a twelve year old who gets frequent panic attacks. I almost trip over my own feet rushing backwards. Hydra raises her arms and water rises. It grows taller and taller and Hydra's arms shake in concentration. Then it crashes down, the flames going out in a second. The water seeps over to us, dousing our ankles in water. My foster mom, Linda hugs Hydra. "Thank you so much dear." She says. Hydra flushes and pats her on the back.  After that Hydra pulls out her leaping crystal and before she leaps she looks at me. Something about her makes me blush but I quickly forget that. 

"Do you need a place to stay?" Asks Hydra's soft voice. I look at my charred destroyed home and turn towards her. "Yes, I think that might be necessary." I flash a smile and she gives a small smile back. My foster dad and mom share a crystal with Aiden and I share with Hydra. She offers her hand and I hesitantly hold it. Immediately it feels awkward. We leap to her house and walk in. Hydra asks her mom and dad if we can stay and they say yes. I walk into the house, feeling guilty when Aiden pushes past me.

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